Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pickles and Pie

Sorry to be absent for a few days. I have been trying to get some of my chores done before starting back at work.

I have made some more pickles as shown in the photo above, thanks to Rhonda Jean's recipe. Her blog site can be found here http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/ I have also made Rhonda's Lemon Pie and that was delicious, mine is pictured below, you must try this one. I am proud of my pickles as this is the first time that I have attempted anything like this. They are yummy!

I have a heap more apple cucumbers that will need pickling soon, (see picture below top). Our nectarine tree, (see pics below) is ready for the fruit to be picked. It is absolutely loaded with some of the branches touching the ground. I guess I know what I will be doing over the next few days, preserving and stewing nectarines.

The weather is hotting up again with tomorrow expected to be 40 degrees Celcius. The poor vegies are not liking this weather one bit, we have had to cover them with shade cloth to try and protect them from the hot sun and so the water doesn't evaporate too quickly. The normal garden is struggling as well. Even the geraniums are looking sick. Three hours watering a week is taking it's toll. We have lost a few trees and shrubs due to lack of water.
I have finally started on my pantry and will post more about that tomorrow.
Hope you all had a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tania. You've done and excellent job with the pie and pickles. They look delicious. I'm pleased the recipes worked for you. Your fruit tress look fabulous. What sort of growing season do you have for stone fruit down there?


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