Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rainbows and Treasures

Last weekend we did a flying trip to my parents place in Kimba, South Australia, an hour and half west of here. We had a to pick up a twin tub washing machine. It was a very cold day with some rain in Kimba, but as usual where we live missed out.
I captured these pics of this beautiful rainbow coming home, near Iron Knob.

These rain clouds were going to dump some rain somewhere. Excuse the reflection in this picture, it was taken out the front windscreen while travelling.

Look at what we had given to us my hubby's mum yesterday. She is having a cleanout. I am not sure where I am going to put these, I will need to do some re-arranging. This is an oak tea trolley around 1950's? I have found a lovely doiley to go on the top with good morning and a picture of a tea cup embroidered on it.

And a Rosewood side/hall table. Love those legs. Around 1920's era I think.

This cute little bible has been handed down through the family on my husband's side. I think it belonged to his great grandmother. On the inside cover it is dated 1804 so is over 200 years old. It is in great condition for its age. All the pages are in tact except for a bit of wear and tear inside the front and back covers.

Inside the front cover where it is dated 1804.

The writing within is very small

Today is a splendid day with a temperature around 24 degrees Celius.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tan thanks for stopping by my blog. These are really lovely photos. I love the tea trolly. The doily sounds lovely. Love the old Bible, that is so cool to have it so old. The quilt behind it looks great too. Have a great weekend too.


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