Monday, November 3, 2008

I am still here

I want to thankyou all for your kind words, I sure am going to need some sort of strength to get my friend through this ordeal. She and her dear family are not coping at all well, and I feel so sad because I am not there in her hour of need.
I was going to fly over but I have a fear of flying and a few health issues that I am worried about. Instead I will be boarding the Indian Pacific train with my eldest daughter and my son on Thursday evening and will arrive in Perth Saturday morning.
I phone my friend daily to she if she is doing okay, which is pretty dumb isn't it? Of course she is not doing okay! We have known each other for 28 years and our children grew up together in their younger years. We were pregnant at the same time with our first child, both girls. Life has taken us in different directions but we have always kept in touch.
Give your children a great big hug,


  1. Tania, I've come over from daisymum and have read about your sad news.

    It sounds as if getting to Perth is the right thing for you to do for your friend.

    What a shocking experience. I have three little boys, and leaving them without a mum is perhaps my greatest fear.

    Lisa x

  2. Tania I will continue to pray for you all. 28 years is a long and enduring friendship just the sort of friendship that in itself will get your friend through this. Sometimes when life thorws such an horrendous event your way all you want to do is cling to the familiar, the safe, and yes the past, in all those things you will be her strength.


  3. Hello Tania
    Enjoy the quiet of train travel and revel in the greatness of our country.
    Its better for you to get there all in one piece than a bundle of nerves and no use to anyone
    Take care

  4. that is such sad news..........take good care of yourself, and give them a big hug when you get there from me.....

    Gill in Canada

  5. Yes it must be difficult so wanting to be there but having to think practically for yourself as well. Pray that the Lord will remove any obstacles. I'm sure you will have a most treasured and special time. God Blessxx


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