Saturday, December 13, 2008


This Marie Antionette - A real person award
was given to me back in November by Caroline over at The Simple Things

The rules for this award are to display the icon and send it on to 7 other bloggers I feel are real in who they are.
I nominate 6:
Sarah at xo.sorcha.ox


Thank you Tatersmama and Simply Joolz for this award. Go and visit their blogs if you haven't already.
The rules for this blog are:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs for this award
4. Add links to those blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool.

I pass this award on to the following cool blogs:

I find these blogs a pleasure to visit and enjoy their posts. I appreciate that they share a portion of their lives with me and I sometimes take something to ponder with me when I leave.


  1. Thanks Tania for passing this on to me.

  2. oh wow. I feel extra privileged. Two awards.

    Thanks so much Tania.

  3. Hi Tania

    Thank you for my award. My PC is fixed but I'm afraid we lost nearly all that was on it apart from our documents and photos (thankfully)...the internet is not back on it yet and my girls are devastated that they have lost their music files. So we must start from scratch - including my favourites list which had all my blogspots on it. Fortunately most are on my work computer and amazingly, I only made a list of my 'favourites' at home probably 3 weeks ago. So I have list to start with.
    Will put up my award when I can.

    Wow - hasn't the rain been good. I hope you didn't suffer any flood damage. Now sure exactly now many mls we had but it rained for 24 hours non stop with gale force winds here. We live on a hill so we are high and dry but my garden took a battering. I love the sound of the rain water tanks overflowing - this time last year both our tanks were bone dry and we were on bore water. Full as a goog now! :)

    Have a good weekend - Joolz

  4. Tania
    Thankyou for this award

  5. Thankyou Tania, I feel privileged indeed. I love keeping it real. As soon as I can figure out how to put this icon on my blog, I will, and pass on the blessing. xx Meagan


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.