Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Knitted Dishcloths

Moving right along with my dishcloths that I need to get done for Christmas presents.

I am in the process of making number six.

The five already done. One of these is larger than the others as this pattern can be as big or as small as you like.

And close up.

The Dishcloth pattern that I use goes like this:

With 4.5mm needles cast on 4 stitches of your favourite coloured cotton yarn.

This yarn can be either 4ply or 8ply. If using 4ply I double the yarn for a more dense finish.

The best place to buy these is Spotlight.


Knit 2, yo(yarn over needle), knit to end of row.

Continue until you have about 46 to 50 stitches on your needle. You will have a neat triangle.


When you are done the first part and you have a triangle, you should K2, yo(yarn over needle), then k2 together twice, knit until the end of row. Continue until you have around 4 stiches left then cast off.

Finish off by sewing ends into dishcloth so they can't be seen. Pull dishcloth into square shape.

I have made heaps of dishcloths, so it doesn't take me long to knit them now. I use a fresh one every day and just throw them through the washing machine.

These dishcloths have a multipurpose use for flannels, cleaning cloths etc. If you sew up the sides and one end, a piece of soap can be placed within to use in the bath or shower, or even for washing dishes.

Best wishes,

x Tania


  1. Hi Tania. I'm going to Spotlight sometime, I haven't bought cotton for years.

    I have tagged you for a Christmas meme.

  2. Talented people I'm afaid I'm not one of them. They look fantastic though. Have a lovely evening Caroline

  3. These look like a great little project that will help Tom and Amelia learn to knit. They have asked me about knitting and this looks great.


  4. Wow you are REALLY clever. that is very cool. You have actually highlighted the fact that dishcloths need cleaning everyday. I think this is from my farming upbringing we use the same dishcloth until it starts smelling like soaked water, (gross I know) or until you just get that feeling... that it needs a good ol wash. Sometimes my husband who is the hygeinic one in the house hold wants to throw them out, Im like they go in the wash. Wow your work is very impressive and what a great idea to put some soap in it.

  5. Hi Tania. My husband was saying he thinks you are getting lots of rain! Hope so.


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