Friday, February 6, 2009

No words needed

Outside under the verandah taken at 1.45pm.

Hottest heatwave in 101 years so far.

Daisymum did a post this morning about taking a photo of what mood we are feeling, so here is mine.

This poor geranium sums up exactly how I am feeling......shrivelled!!

I am also thinking and praying for others in the north of this country who are experiencing severe floods.

Have a safe weekend everyone.

x Tania


  1. Yep too much of anything ain't good and this heat has been more than enough...
    Tomorrows going to be our "challenger"...REAL HOT!

  2. Oh Tania sorry you are feeling "shrivelled" but the photo of it is a gem. Perhaps by monday you may feel cooler!!


  3. I am so sorry for you that you have had no relief from the heat of late. Although I do think your photo was very appropriate. I did daisymums photo challange today too. It was fun!!

  4. I sure hope you get a break from that heat soon!

  5. Try and keep cool today! We're due for record breaking temps here in the Wesrern Disrict of Vic - but it isn't a patch on what you've been dealing with !

    Take care my friend, and keep cool!

  6. Well we had 44 predicted here today...and I made all sorts of arrangements to avoid the heat...I woke up this morning and its actually COLD! Hope the same happens for you. Marilyn

  7. Hi Tania

    Here, I'll do it for you.... Aaaaaaagh!Aaaaaagh! Aaaaaaaaaagh!

    There, a good scream always makes you feel better!
    I cannot believe the heat you are enduring. I've been complaining about 35C heat and now I feel like a wimp. I am so sorry about your garden which was your pride and joy. It will take a lot of work to rebuild it. Surely this heatwave will cease soon. So unbearable for you.

    Not much more I can say except I am thinking of you this weekend.

    - Joolz

  8. I can relate to your post about the heatwave. It has been soooo hot for so long, and our garden has really suffered. The red wattle that we planted in spring has curled up its toes, and my geraniums also. (sigh) I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, too.

  9. I can't imagine heat that hot for as long as you have been suffering. Is there any relief in sight. I wish there was something I could do to help, please take care, and try not to get ill. TTFN

  10. How is your weather this week Tania? I hope it is better than the weekend. Did your hot spell finish on Sunday too?

    I have an award for you waiting at my blog.


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