Sunday, July 5, 2009

An Award

I have received this Honest Scrap Award from Jillian over at Homeschooling4Christ

Thank you so much Jillian.

To keep this award, I must complete the following:
1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award
2) Share 10 honest things about yourself
3)Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design or those that have encouraged me
4) Tell those 7 people they have been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.

Here are 10 Honest things about me:

1. The most important people in my life are my family

2. I am a shy person by nature and tend not to socialise a great deal

3. At the moment I am feeling overwhelmed by all the information about the Diploma

4. My favourite meal is anything that my mother cooks when we are down there, I just love her cooking, it has lots of flavour

5. I have lived all my life in the country and wouldn't change it for city life ever. I long to live where there is a lot more rain, less dust, lush greenery and white beaches

6. I love the Johnny Cash movie Walk the Line because he proved it is possible to turn your life around and become a better person, and he did, with the help of June Carter and God

7. I am a very emotional person and take offense easily. I cry when I see other people cry, even on the soapies!

8. I would love to go on a cruise to Fiji and Vanuatu

9. My most neglected chore would have to be my windows. I am seriously thinking of getting a window cleaner around for the simple reason I have so many little squares and they take so long to do.

10. I prefer the cooler weather as our summers can be so hot and dusty; it's nice to not have to dust every day. Where I live there is not much rain so we don't ever get tired of it.

My 7 recipients are:

Narelle @ Moments for Mum

Kate @ Tatersmama's take on things

Joolz @ Simply Joolz

Caroline @ The Simple Things

Linda @ Remote Treechanger

Granny @ Granny's garden

Mandy @ The Old Dairy


  1. Thanks Tania!
    I'll have to think of some things to share about myself :)

  2. Hi Tania,
    You're very welcome! I am also including an image of the Honest Scrap award, just in case you want to include it in your sidebar.

    It is:

    We have lived in a lot of different places, but the place where my childrens' asthma is best is in the dry areas, so here we are. I don't like the dust much either, but the coastal climate makes all of our asthma much worse.

    I tend to be shy by nature, too. It's easier on the internet, though.

    Take the Diploma one step at a time. I remember when we started learning music - I looked at it and thought, "Aargh, what am I doing? This is so hard." Then, when I looked at only the first lesson, it became much easier, and that has been my philosophy ever since. Don't ever look more than one lesson ahead - it makes it more achievable. I hope that makes sense.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. Thanks Tania. I have just arrived back from hols. to find your award- lovely thankyou. Will have to think of somethings about myself now.

  4. Thank you Tania. It is a nice award. Sounds like a bit of fun for me too.

  5. I finally caught up on my last award, and I know you show gratitude so have nominated you.

    Thank you so much for inspiring me to finish the post!

  6. Thanks for the award Tanya, I will get around to posting it later in the week....

  7. Hi Tania

    Thanks for the award - I will get to it shortly. I'm afraid June 30th has taken up a bit of my time this past week, reconciling wages etc. Me and the girls are off to Warrnambool in Vic for a bit of winter clothes buying tomorrow. I signed up for Rhonda Jeans Biggest Table Home Audit forum but have fallen flat so far. I will pull out I think and maybe post a few items that I am doing okay with. Being busy at work each day just doesn't suit the green frugal lifestyle at the moment. I do try but it is hard. But this week is definitely not a NO SPEND week.

    Cheers - Joolz

  8. great info Tania, stuff I didn't know about you.

    Gill in Canada

  9. Tania
    Hope you're surviving the school hols?!

    I have an award for you over at my blog :)

    Chat soon

  10. Hi Tania

    I have been absent from blogland for a while but I pormised myself I would spend this weekend catching up with everyone and what has been happening.

    What a sad, challenging and busy time you have been having.

    Just wanted to pop in and send you cyber hugs and love.



Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.