Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dust Storm at Broken Hill

This film clip was on

Take look you will be amazed!

Have a great weekend and go the "Cats" in the AFL Grand Final, that is about to start.

Have a great weekend wherever you are,



  1. Hello Tania
    Don't remember any publicity about that one - looks a monster tho.
    Very cold and wet here today - whats it like in SA?
    Game has begun, a few points on the board for both teams. Not bothered about the result, our team was out a few weeks ago:((
    Take care

  2. Broken Hill did get the dust bad, the sky actually went BLACK.

    Raining here at the moment. Was just going to get my clothes off the line in the quarter time break, and with 50 seconds to go it has pelted down.

    Our team the Crows bowed out of the finals as well.


  3. wow. That was terrible.

    We were going for the cats today too. What a great Grand final game it was. So close right up to the last minute.

  4. Hi Tania,
    Borken Hill always gets the worst of the dust storms, as there is so much red dust around it.

    My mum told me that many times she would hang the washing on the line, only to have to rewash it because of the dust. :P


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