Monday, October 19, 2009

Re The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Please have a look at this great post my daughter Sarah has written about writing letters.


My two eldest daughters are very good letter writers and correspond regularly with people from all over. I myself have let letter writing pass by the wayside, but I think I might get back into it again. It is a nice feeling when you receive a hand written letter from a dear friend or relative instead of just bills and junk mail.

Have a great day,



  1. Hi Tania,
    My daughter loves writing to her penpal. ☺

  2. I just got a letter this week and thought what a rare joy it is

  3. Thanks for sharing this. It's funny how nice it is to go to your mailbox and find a letter from someone you haven't heard from in a while....amidst your bills and junk mail. Yeah Letter Writing!

  4. Thank you Tania! I really enjoyed reading your daughters post, it was beautiful and I feel really inspired to put pen to paper and encourage my family to do the same.


  5. Tania, thanks for sharing that. Its so true, a life without letters is a life with something missing. When I was a newlywed and moved from southern Victoria to north Queensland, I wrote and received letters regularly from family and friends I had left behind. I've kept them all in a box.
    Partly because we moved back 'home' and partly because of email, I can't remember the last time I wrote to someone. Its such a shame. Its also sad that our kids will never know that feeling of opening a letter from a special friend. You can't compare that to the dozens of daily 'nothings' people tap out to each other on Facebook, can you?

  6. I have to say I agree, letter writing is beginnng to be a lost art. I myself only write by hand, regularly to one person, which is sad.

    Gill in Canada


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.