Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas pics and the heat is on.......again

Some of our family on Christmas parents with Kyla, Talia, Jarrad, Jack and Blake.

Mum and Dad with their newly acquired Ford ute. All Dad has to do is learn what all the buttons on the dashboard are for and probably will never use them all lol.
Me, Dad, Mum, daughters Sarah and Kyla.
This year we weren't all together at once due to other commitments.

Phil and Jack enjoying Mario Cart on the Wii.

Today is meant to be 40C (104F)

This is the Elders weather forecast for the next few days:

Tomorrow (Friday) 43C (109.4F)

Saturday 42C (107.6F)

Sunday 42C

Monday 42C

Cooler on Tuesday with 36C (96.8F)

Bring on Tuesday.

Summer is great but it just gets so hot that it is nearly impossible to get out and do anything. The plants and animals need to be attended to during the heat so no going anywhere until it is cooler.

Hope the weather is being kinder to you,
I know some of you are experiencing freezing conditions which is hard to imagine while we are sweating our britches off.



  1. Hot Humid & flooding in my neck of the woods. Typical summer wet season just like we used to get yeons ago.

  2. Some rain,mostly showers now..not too bad the last few days.Please dont send that heat up here!!!I dont want it :0)

  3. Sorry Tania, we sent all the hot weather over to you.... Perth is so much cooler today.

  4. You can keep that heat to your self Tania :0) at the moment it is still only 30c there about here. I don't want 40c. The rain is still hanging around which is keeping the temperatue down a bit.
    Stay cool if you can

  5. it was hot today. We went to the shops at lunch time and I was super glad to get home to the air conditioning.

    If it gets to hot tomorrow, I may call you for a swim Tania.

  6. Dear Tania,
    a very happy new your to you and your familiy. I had a little Christmas vacation and it was wonderful. It is very cold here in Germany Bavaria, some nights had -18° C !!! That was too cold for geting outside and we need to stay at home. And it is still snowing, all is white and it looks so clean and like nature is covered with sugar. I Will post some pictures for you within the next days, hopefully it will help you a bit.

  7. I envy your sweat. I would rather sweat than shiver, and shivering, no FREEZING, is our menu for today. We may get to 18 F if we're lucky! Oklahoma is experiencing some artic air right now and I'd much rather send that air back to the artic. Or just hop a plane for 20 hours and visit Australia.


  8. Wonderful pictures! Keep cool! We are sitting at -10 today. I would love you to be able to send us some of that heat! :)


  9. You have a lovely blog. We are getting a lot of snow here in Michigan...and it's a cold day.

  10. You have a lovely blog. We are getting a lot of snow here in Michigan...and it's a cold day.

  11. Things are warming up here too.
    Our cover/shade thingy for the paddling pool broke so kids can't even paddle without being burnt...grrrrr.
    Hope you saty cool and keep occupied.

  12. There is always time for facebook.
    stay cool!

  13. Oh my we do have different weather don't we. It is soooo cold here. Feeding the horses and animals are taken twice the time. We have to carry water to them.

    Thank you so much for coming across the sea and visiting me........ Notice here that Granny comes and visits you also. She is a sweetie!

    Blessings and nice to meet you!


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.