Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My lucky day!

Well we survived the heatwave, although I was getting rather bored sitting inside, did some cleaning, sorting and tidying up though.

The weather has cooled down for a few days before it warms up again.

We had 7.5ml (30points) of rain but already it is gone, the dry earth has swallowed it all up, but at least the garden has come back to life.

All except the poor hibiscus who has seen better days...

While waiting for my MIL at the local library today, I thought I would pop into the nearby Salvos shop and....

looky what I found!

Some old plates and a lovely old tureen (I think that is what it is called) in my favourite colour blue....

Sideways view, thanks to Blogger....

It has been well used but I am happy that it can now retire to my old kitchen dresser.

Made in England on the bottom

Pride of place on my dresser.

This dresser was once used by my dad in his mechanical workshop until I spied it oneday. There was only the bottom section, painted pink, green and black. I set to work with the help of hubby and brought it back to it's former glory. The top I luckily picked up at the local second hand shop and it fitted perfectly. Another picture can be found here in a previous post.

There were two of these quaint side plates....

Quite old too....

All of these for $5.00.


if I do say so myself.

I didn't get much time to look all around the shop so tomorrow I shall trot myself back down there for another look see.

Have a great rest of the week,



  1. Yup that is definately a tureen - what a great find for your dresser!

  2. Hello Tania
    Nice finds - they fit in well with the rest of the crockery on the dresser. Good luck with your next visit there
    Take care

  3. Hi Tania,
    Wow - what an incredible find! Op-shops are great, aren't they?

    Have a great week,

  4. Great finds looking thru op shops. The dresser is lovely and you would never pick that it was 2 different things.
    take care

  5. Well done, you luck thing. I hope you continue to find little treasures.

  6. They are so adorable! I love the wear and tear on the tureen and would think about the housewife who so lovingly filled that with soup each Sunday for her family....or something like that! :D



  7. Oh, I am DROOLING!! I love old dishes, and theses are to die for!!! You got a great buy and they look lovely on your dresser. Lucky you, indeed!


  8. Oh! Great finds! The new bend well with what you have. Good luck on your next trip!

  9. That was a great bargin! I am glad you got through that heat wave. :)

  10. I love your treasures! I love thrift stores, and yard sales, and antique stores. I would have bought the same ones you found. Great job.

    Hard to visualize you in a heat wave, and I have my long-lily's on. (female long johns) There's 2 feet of snow on my deck. I could send you some. =]


  11. Hey Tania...all ok out there?Its been a while :0) Take care,Granny.

  12. Thanks for your concern Granny, I have been feeling a little out of sorts lately, so haven't felt like doing much. I am off to the doctors on Monday for a full service.



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