Sunday, May 30, 2010

Having a change around and clean out

I have arrived at a point in my life where I need to have a good clean out.

I have collected so much over my lifetime, and have come to realise that all this 'stuff' is just NOT needed.

If you live in my area you may have noticed a pile of my collections go out the front of our driveway for other people to take for free if they want. It has all gone...
I also took the left over Daycare toys etc to the Salvos.

I feel so much better without all the clutter pulling me down.

I have started getting down to the bare essentials. I recently cleaned out the kitchen and removed anything that I didn't really need, but had in my possession just in case. My utensil drawer has only the basics in it now and it is so much easier to open the drawer and grab what I require without sorting through everything.
This photo is of my drawer as it is now, I forgot to take a before photo, but let me tell you it was at times difficult to shut or open this drawer.

I had a surprise visit from my special little grandson this morning. His dad dropped him off for a few hours while he ran some errands. He spent the whole time playing with our lego collection. Lots of Starwars things to construct, his favourite passion at the moment.

This is our spare room that has been cleaned out and will be now used for any guests that might need a bed. I was using a fold out bed but they are not very comfortable to sleep on, so we invested in a new second had bed for our son and his old one has gone into this room.
The wardrobe and dressing table therein.
We restored these quite a few years back and have always used them. I think I may remove the linen cupboard behind the door.
A spare students desk and a keyboard for when I have a little time to tinker around. The piano stool was recently restored by my husband for his mother, and then she decided that we could keep it.
My sons new bed and bedside tables...
Now he is older I have been able to free his room of clutter. Toys aren't the 'in' thing when you are 14 years old.
His passion for the moment is BMX riding and soccer.
Thought I would include a pic of our bed seems as though we are on the subject of beds. This bed is part of a bedroom suite that belonged to my husband's Grandmother. It was given to her for a wedding present from her husband back in 1928. It is in perfect condition and a treasure worth holding on to. My husband was lucky enough to inherit it along with many other bits and pieces. I will post some pictures of the rest of the suite shortly.

I received the poem below as part of an email from a friend and thought it would be nice to share with you all.
( sorry if some of you have read it before)

The Poem
I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work

For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees..
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.....

All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.

No time, no time, too much to do,

That was my constant cry,

No time to give to souls in need

But at last the time, the time to die.

I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God! held a book;
It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said
'Your name I cannot find
I once was going! to write it down...
But never found the time'

It is cold, windy and raining here today...perfect for sitting inside by the fire.

Have a lovely Sunday,



  1. Congratulations Tania, you have accomplished something that has eluded me, getting rid of all those extra things that might come in handy.
    We think about it, but we're hopeless.
    Thanks for sharing the thoughtful poem, and your great photos too.
    Blessings - Jan X

  2. Tania, all of your de-cluttering looks very nice, and it's such a good feeling, isn't it? Like a weight lifted off your shoulders. Love the poem!!! Boy, did it step on my toes!

    Have a cozy day.


  3. Hey Tania,
    good job de-cluttering !
    It's hard to part with some things,but once they're gone dont miss them :0)
    I need to do more myself!

  4. Your son is growing up fast.

  5. I too have been feeling weighed down by things I have...Just in case things...Too good to get rid of things,But slowly things are changing!
    You sound to have made heaps of progress.

  6. Congratulations for doing all the decluttering. How long did it take you? I am in the midst of a major decluttering myself but I am no where near done. I have oodles of papers, books, clothes. At least I've made a very good start on it and I feel better already. Now let's see if we can prevent outselves from getting too much stuff again.

  7. Aah that feels better doesn't it?

  8. what a cute boy your grandson! Thank you for posting the Pancake recipe, I should try to cook them!
    How do you get them with in Australia?


  9. Congrats on the de-cluttering projects ... we recently remodeled our home, which lended itself to some extensive de-cluttering. I was amazed at how much junk we ended up collecting over the years ... it was SOOOO nice and liberating to get rid of all the things we no longer used.

    Thanks for sharing the poem ...

  10. Loved what you did with the bedroom. I adore that bed from your hubbies grandmother. WOW...I adore furniture that has been handed down.

    I have to share with you. We were just talking about you...well Australia that

    I have to tell hubby I have a new follower from his favorite place in the world.

    We were talking on the weekend that if we won 'big' (lottery,,the silly conversations about what we would do with a lot of money). He stated our family would go to Australia and spend time there discussing what we would do with the 'mother load of money', than fly back home after..LOL....



Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.