Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have been absent because...
there have been
Picking, cooking, packing away in the freezer for some enjoyment later.
I was going along nicely until the weather changed, (from cyclone Yasi) just as the majority of the nectarines were ripening. Hubsy was at work so it was left to me to pick the rest of the crop, hopefully before all the rain and humidity ruined them. I saved most but threw a lot away (the chooks had a feast). I invited my friend to come around and pick some too.
It didnt take long for this to happen...
I had nectarines lying everywhere trying to dry them out, to which I had great success. but the moisture still managed to get inside many of the fruit.
There were so many nectarines that I ran out of freezer room and had to give some of the stewed ones away.
We didn't preserve them this year as we have plenty still left over in the cupboard from the last crop.
my daughter brought me some plums...
I cooked these whole and froze them also.
These plums have so much flavour...YUM!
Then my dear friend Wendy gave me a box of tomatoes,
It took me a few days to get going but i eventually made some...
tomato relish
end result was 13.5 jars of relish
A couple of sunsets from the past week, cant help but share as they are so pretty.
They have been a lovely orange/pink which means Autumn is on it's way.
I think Summer has skipped by us this year with not too many very hot days.
We have had plenty of rain with more coming later today and tomorrow.
I have been cutting my computer time down lately as I need to get moving to shift this weight, and sitting too long at the computer is not helping. Have also been catching up on jobs (cleaning/tidying) that really needed doing around here. So I am still here only a little quieter, popping on briefly to catch some of my favourite blogs and getting off. I must move myself from here now and go for my walk while it is still cool.
There is a life outside these four walls and I need to go and find it.

My fitness and health is still going well,
I have lost another 1.6kg, so that is 5kg all up. Not far to go to my ideal weight now and I must do this. I have plenty of energy from all the good food I am consuming.

Hope all is well with you and your families.

Take care,



  1. A very productive time indeed!

  2. Lots of work, but great rewards....and beautiful sky pictures. Love that. Everything looks yummy!

  3. The way the world economy is, We should ALL be putting up whatever food we're able. Beautiful photos of the sky.

  4. Hi Tania, you certainly have been very busy. It's a great feeling when you can preserve what you have grown and are then able to eat it throughout the year.
    Those sunset pictures are gorgeous. Enjoy the rain, we are supposed to be having some later today as well. It is looking very promising out there at the moment. Well done to you on losing the weight so far and sticking to your healthy eating. You must be very proud of yourself. I need to follow your lead as i have got into some bad habits and my health is paying the price. Take care

  5. well done with the weight loss and with all the fruit. They look yummy

  6. Wow, that's alot of preserving!! Good work with the weight loss... and lovely sunsets!

  7. The colors of those sunsets seem to match the abundance of fruits you have in your home at the moment. You must be super busy doing all that.

  8. Mmmmm, nectarines, plums and tomatoes ... what a wonderful provision for the coming months. The photos of your recent sunsets are spectacular.
    Thanks for sharing,

  9. You are doing well in the kitchen and with your weightloss. I think we all spend too much time on the computer now and less time exercising or just moving.

  10. Tania,

    Wow! You sure have been one busy bee! Being productive is a good thing, indeed!

    I'm glad that you are having some success with your weight loss goals. I've been a bit lazy with maintaining my exercise routine these days, but I am slowly trying to work my way back, but it's difficult when I've been a bit lazy, ugh!

    Computer breaks are good. I am thinking of taking one myself soon.

    Sorry I've haven't visted your blog much these days. I've been "naughty." Please come and "visit" me when you have a chance.


    -Lady Rose

  11. They both look YUMMY,(Tania and preserve's) Angela.

  12. So jealous of all that wonderful fruit. I can almost SMELL it, yum. It does take time all that putting up but so worth it.

  13. Yum to everything you have made! And those sunsets - they are phenomenal! Such colour - they make mine look pale in comparison. I think it's time we took a trip out into the desert somewhere so I can see some of that for myself. Thanks for sharing,


  14. I remember years in Canberra when the kids were little spending summers processing apricots, peaches, plums and tomatoes too. Hot work in summertime..unless you have aircon!

  15. The colours in the sky must have been a reflection of your fruit produce! :D They are the same colours :D

  16. Thanks for following...I am now your newest follower too. Have a great week!

  17. Know what you mean about all the preserving and freezing.. More peaches and beans today.. The winds have broken a couple of the branches :((
    You have been so busy and everything you have made looks delicious.. Well done :))

  18. Summer has missed us in Canberra, today felt just like autumn.

    When I read your stories of stewing and freezing fruit you take me back to my childhood when my mum use to do these things in summer.

    Congrat on your weight lose. I started 4 weeks ago and so far lost 2.5kg. Not a lot but to me it is great news. Aiming to loose 10kg.

  19. Well done with the fitness Tania, it's hard to keep going but you sound like you are on track.
    My God that relish looks DIVINE !!

  20. Thanks for visiting Busy Hands Busy Minds and becoming a follower. It is so nice to meet others who are trying to get back to the basics. And it is especially interesting to visit with folks from other countries. Looks like you have been busy with the produce! We are getting beds ready now and have just ordered seeds. We won't be able to plant for a few more weeks. Some of us are getting excited!

  21. Hi Tanya I just discovered your blog :) - what lovely sunsets you have there! It looks as though you are making the most of your harvests. I look forward to following along.

  22. Hi tania..thankyou for your lovely comment,wish you were closer too.Those nectrines look wonderful yumm yumm you will have to write a cookbook next 1,000 dishes made form nectrines lol...have a lovely day xx

  23. Good for you Tania, that's a lot of weight to loose. No wonder you are able to achieve so much with all that exit energy. I am trying to loose a couple of kilos too but it really takes time and I'm quite impatient. But as they say slow and steady wins the race.
    Blessings Gail

  24. Lovely produce, lots of work but so worth having homemade goodness! Sounds like you are doing all the best things for your new healthy way of life! I have been doing a lot of that but just can't seem to get on the full exercise program!! Bummer!


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.