Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good Day for Gardening

We did a little gardening this morning,
The forecast was for rain,
but instead it was a beautiful sunny day.
Hubby has finished off another couple of plots,
so it was time to do some planting.
In went

Spring onions
Bok Choy
hiding in there somewhere



this is me
(doing all the work as usual lol)
And our dog Millie always willing and eager to give a hand.
She carries a ball 24/7 hoping that someone will throw it for her.
Even our visitors get pestered.
Hope the weather is being kind in your neck of the woods,



  1. Hello Tania, Looks like you had a very productive day in the garden. Your dog Millie is just beautiful, she looks like she is getting old. Reminds me of my parents last dog, she carried a ball around 24/7 as well.

  2. Looks like your shoulder must be a little better as you're working in the garden! I hope so!

  3. I think what impresses me most is that you can bend down like that to work in your garden. That would kill my knees.

  4. Looks like you've got a lot done in your garden already! Can't wait till the time comes and I can get digging around in our! I love planting things and watching them grow. There's also something about playing in the dirt! :) Guess I never did outgrow that!

  5. You look like your having fun, I hope the winter is better for growing than our summer was.

  6. Looking good Tania :) Lot's of good mulching there.I really need to get into my garden and clean up for the colder weather soon too. Your doggie reminds me of ours - always with a ball in the mouth waiting for someone to throw it!

  7. Ugh, I can't believe you so organised this year! I haven't even got a patch ready... :/ Might be late veggies for us, or I'll be growing them in pots! :/
    ~S. xo

  8. Looks like you've been having fun. I did a whole bunch of planting on the weekend and you know what happened today? My chickens ate every single silverbeet seedling and half of my brassicas! That's it for them, no more roaming wherever they want.

  9. Sharon, Millie is 12 years old.

    Carol, my shoulder is still sore, but it is getting to the point where I am trying to ignore it and get on with what I need to do!

    Yes Veggiegobbler, know all about chooks, that is why our garden is fenced. They still get at my flower garden though. They have 2.5 acres to roam on, so why my garden?

  10. You garden will be wonderful and productive. Nothing like home grown food.

    Cool weather in my part of the country, with regular rain.

  11. Hi Tania, are these your wicking beds looks all very productive. I must get my beds in order for winter veg they are full of weeds but I was waiting till we got back from hols so I could nurture my seedlings.
    Happy Gardening.

  12. Your weather sounds terrific. So does your garden. We've got pouring rain and mud, mud, mud!

  13. Hi Tania, thankyou SO much for commenting on my blog. ya know, I am doing ok.. more blood tests next week but I feel much more positive after all the support i have had from either blogging friends or down to earth friends

    and SO good to find another australian blogger!

    today i planted some vegies too..

  14. Fantastic! In no time at all, that mulch will be left for dust by your vegies stretching up and over!

    I'm afraid I lose a fair bit to the bugs and the chooks too but I figure, I plant 15% for the bugs, 30% for the chooks or thereabouts so I should have 50% left LOL

  15. Here in England we are starting to plant our fruits and vegetables too!

    I bet it's hard to resist Millie!

    sft x

  16. yor raised beds are looking great Tania - roll on the kinder UAtumn planting season for you :)

  17. everything looks like its coming along nicely. I have no green thumb, lucky you!

  18. Hi Tania
    Thanks for visiting my blog and OMG!!! your garden is great, I cant wait until we have the vegie patch and the chickens, just doesn't seem right living in the country without Chickens.


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