Monday, June 13, 2011

Garden to Plate

Our first broccoli head is ready.

No chemicals used and no bugs...

A lonely sweet pea,

there are plenty of flowers, so it wont be long now.

Yesterday's pickings,

dwarf beans, broccoli and mandarins...

It sure feels good to have home grown food on our dinner plate. They taste so much better...

The pumpkin, beans and broccoli are home grown. (My apologies for hubby hoeing in before I got to take the picture).

Cant wait until all the veggies are the result of what I can grow.

Going out to sow some carrots seeds today.



  1. Your dinner looks delicious~!

  2. We are harvesting beans, squash and onions. Tomatoes are quite ready but in a few weeks we should have them on the plate. Gardening is so much fun.

  3. Well done! I do wish my broccoli looked like that!

  4. What a feast! We have our own passionfruit and lemongrass..oh and some

  5. yummy!!! It's a great feeling when you serve up everything that you've grown yourself isn't it. My broccoli is about a week away from being eaten.

  6. I made vegetarian lasagna with the eggplants from my plot today. It's so exciting harvesting your own food and the food miles are really low :-)

    Everyday I go and look at my tiny cucumbers and ask them to hurry along. But my plot doesn't get much sun so it's growing slow. My new plot gets plenty of sunshine and I worked hard at it this weekend. Will post pics on my blog tomorrow night.

    I don't think broccoli would grow here... A bit too hot.

  7. Wow, look at that Broccoli, Just Perfect!!! Not a bug munch in site!
    Hope you got lots more, looks YUM! :)

  8. It is so easy for me to forget there are winter vegies like broccoli. Well done Tania.


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