Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chickies and veggies

The new chicks are hatching, right on time, 21 days today.
The first one appeared yesterday.

I put 6 eggs under the bantam and so far there are 4 chickens. Hopefully the other two hatch out today. Bantams make the best incubators, we always have success with chickens when they go broody.

The garden is doing well despite the foul weather we have had this week. We didn't end up with any more rain, just a ton of dirt that needs sweeping up.

The first time I have attempted to grow these.


A few grub "chews" on them but still okay.

Self seeded bok choy...


I had trouble with some birds eating a couple of plants down to the stalk,
hence the netting over the bed.

More beetroot among the broccoli...

Spring onion in flower...

Zucchini starting to spread...

Baby zucchini already forming, but I dont think there are any male flowers yet.

A stray potato plant came up in the zucchini bed...



The carrots are up...

I planted seeds that were out of date by 3 years, but they still germinated.

The new garden bed for the tomatoes...

Trying my hand with potatoes this year...

Apple cucumbers...

The garlic is finally taking off.
I had to remove them from where they were and plant them in another bed because I had them growing near the peas and they are not good companion plants.

Silver beet is still doing great...

The chooks are getting a daily picking from these.

Our garden from the entrance. I am still waiting for more garden beds to plant out pumpkins and melons...

Take care and have a great day!


  1. I've told Shane I want another raised garden bed. "Just one more!", I said, but I suspect that once I have "one more" I'll find I need yet another... ;)
    ~S. xo

  2. aww the little chickens are soooo sweet. The vegies are coming along nicely too,'s exciting

    PS Do you many/any wild dingos around your area?

  3. Baby chicks are so cute and yes bantams make the best mums.
    You garden is growing well!

  4. Your garden looks fantastic! Heaps of food happening there!

  5. Hi Tania! Your garden is looking really good. I have 'chick' envy to!
    I hope to get Gus to make me some raised beds 'out the back' of our place. I really want to try and grow 'real' tomatoes this summer. I just hate paying for ones that are watery and tasteless.

  6. We are inside the dog fence Sue.Dont see to many dingoes around this area. see some further north of here when I am on the train.

  7. It must be chicken season. I have a bantam sitting on more eggs and another one gone clucky.

    Your gardens are looking great.


  8. It always amazes me when I look at your garden - it's a lovely green oasis in a sea of red dirt!! I'm hoping my new plot will be as prolific as yours in a month or two although we will have loads of 'weeds' to contend with not red dust!!

  9. Looking wonderful!

  10. How cute are those chicks...I would love to have chickens one day. Your vegie gardens are looking fantastic, you are so lucky to have a lot of space to grow them. Thanks for the tip on the garlic and peas...looks like I will be moving my peas on the weekend.

  11. Great photo's Tania. Everything looks so new and fresh! The chicks are soooo cute too, pity they grow up!

  12. The garden looks great! Love the pic of the chickies too.

  13. Chicks are SO cute! Your garden's looking pretty good too.

  14. Wow your garden beds look amazing! I have only one long one. Would love lots like you. Have to convince the kids to give up a bit more grass. :)


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