Thursday, September 1, 2011

How do you hang the washing?

These past two weeks since my surgery hubby has been doing the washing...when I went outside this morning I just had to go back and grab the camera!

This is how hubby hung out my blouse lol!


  1. Tania - LOL

    As welcome as it is when they help, I am constantly amazed at how even the most logical chore can be abused by my menfolk. My two do exactly the same with the washing. And have you ever watched a man sweep the floor using only one hand on the brush...

  2. The trick is with them men folk that they do every task half arsed/totally wrong, in the vain atttempt that they will never be asked to do it again!

  3. A friend of mine once told me that she couldn't go outside when her hubby had hung the washing because she would feel the great urge to re hang it and he would stop hanging it lol.

    Seeing washing like that use to worry me a lot but now I don't care how it is hung as long as it is.

  4. Isn't that why they make irons? ;-)

  5. At least it made it to the line....!!

    Take care. Hope your shoulder is completely better soon.

  6. Wishy you speedy healing and recovery.

  7. That is a photo-worthy sight! It's almost as though men have never seen clothing on a line. Yes, they do hope never to have to do it again and are not careful at all.

  8. LOL
    Well done for not trying to re peg it.
    Frustrating not being able to do things isn't it. Hope back to self real soon.

    Love Leanne

  9. At least it's sorta upside down .. so you won't have pin marks on the shoulders .. but it may need ironing .. ya think? I don't think menfolk get the whole idea about symmetry and order while hanging up the wash (LOL) .. at least he 'helped' .. have to give him credit. Hope you are on the mend .. and soon :)

  10. Thank you for the good giggle I got when I saw this photo! What a lovely way to start my day!

  11. LOL!!! Now that is special!

    Men sure do have a different take on 'hanging' out washing now don't they?

    Jodie :)

  12. Yes, my hubby is the same - not that he has had a lot of practice in this area.
    I must say, both my girls are the same too - no idea that if you give the clothes a shake as you hang them, they will have less wrinkles and to peg things by their bottoms and peg them out tightly so they don't just flop about in the breeze in a clump.
    I like a nice neat line of clothes although I am not pedantic about pegs being the same colour or matching the peg to the colour of the item.
    I may just have to take a picture next time I have a line full.

    Hope the shoulder is on the improve.

    Cheers - Joolz

  13. male..
    Get better soon...

  14. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Amazing isn't it how these simple chores are beyond their grasp? I had a chuckle and memory brought to mind another time, another place and the laundry looking like layette and...all pink! Everything had been washed on hot and somehow a red hand towel slipped in the load...I was overseas visiting the folks and I thought myself to be lucky Hubby was taking care of the children...until my 5 year old told me her Daddy and her Nana (!) slipped a whole frozen pizza in the oven complete with the cardboard...and that my two year old son climbed behind his Dad on a 16 ft ladder...
    Needless to say I never left the kiddies with Daddy alone again!
    Hoping you are feeling much better!

  16. 3 thing I DONT DO, ironing, pegging and changing nappies. I'LL do anything else...SORRY.Oh I can multi task as well........

  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes to "organise" washing on the line. I'm afraid I can't handle seeing how my husband hangs the washing on the line either or when he leaves all of the pegs on the line after taking the washing off!! I like my pegs in the basket.

    Maybe I just should be grateful if he ever does hang it on the line.

    Hope your shoulder is improving, glad your hubby can help out :+) good on him!

  18. Men! Im sure they do it wrong just so we dont make them do it again.
    Just smile and hand him the iron

  19. At least he used 2 pegs. Like many others I shut my eyes when my husband hangs the washing out. How it stays on the line, with sometimes just 1 peg, amazes me.

  20. You didn't see how he hung your jeans last week...(rolls eyes)

  21. that is so funny, at least he tried, hope you're feeling better?

    Gill in Canada

  22. Bless his little heart! One more reason to get better quick. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  23. On the few occasions that my husband hangs out the washing I try very hard not to look as I can't help myself and rehang it!!

  24. I'm sure they turn a blind eye (as well as deaf ear) to what we do. And yet, we tend to notice how they do things, especially the shortcuts to make their tasks easier

  25. I was just trying to explain to my daughter if you give it a good shake before you hang it. It cuts down on the creases, she just shrugged & kept doing it the same but I am thankful for the help.
    Hope your shoulder is healing nicely.

  26. LOL Yep men have their own style when it comes to hanging washing. It frustrates me to bits watching my Hubby hang washing,,,,not that he does it very often mind you but watching him hang and take off the line is a lesson in restraint for me every time. I have to look away and busy myself with something else or I find myself running out there to adjust things lol. You can gaurantee if he takes clothes off the line they will be just tossed in the basket resulting in me having to iron just about everything!

  27. What a giggle, gotta love 'em.......Maybe the message will get through if he has to do the ironing as well!!

    I have made sure my 20yo son knows how to hang washing out properly ( well to my way of thinking .....) but he draws the line at using pegs that match the colour of the clothing, lol......

    Hope you are feeling better ASAP...........

    Claire :}

  28. I hope your shoulder is feeling better Tania. My hubby hangs everything the wrong way round at least he tries I suppose. LOL

  29. Haha that's cute! Somehow have missed this post Tania until now. I also sometimes have to mind myself from going and re-hanging when DH hangs out the washing but over the last 10years of me 'training' him he's doing pretty well really. It's great though to see your DH stepping up to help when you need it. Hope your recovery is going well. Regards, Ruth


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