Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life in Port Augusta...

I wanted to share this promotional video with you all of the place where we live.

Thank you Therese for sharing this link.

I also found this You Tube clip using a song called "Life in Port Augusta" sung by Steve Grace.
There are lots of train pictures...

Port Augusta was once a thriving railway town. The railways are still an important part of the town today, although on a smaller scale.

My hubby is a driver of the big freight trains...a job he really enjoys :)


  1. Tania - Fascinating - thanks so much for sharing the4 video on your home town.

    What is that river nearby - is it always flowing or does it dry up in winter? And can it be used for crop irrigation?

  2. Hi Dani, glad to hear you enjoyed the video. What you see is not a river although it certainly looks like one. Many people think it is but it is actually part of the ocean/sea. So it is salt water. We recently had a couple of whales visit and I noticed there is a clip of them on You Tube so will post that soon. We live at the top of a gulf, I think you can see it on the map at the start of the video.

  3. How interesting to see where you live. I was wondering what the average price of a home cost there.

  4. Hi Tania, That's a great clip on where you live. I think I would find the arid botanical gardens that they mentioned interesting Have you ever been there? Do you live in town or do you have to travel to town?
    Have a great day

  5. Hi Christine, the prices of houses vary in Port Augusta, because of the different areas. Like most places there are the poorer areas and richer areas. In the past twelve months the most paid for a house was $490,000 and the least $75,000 the latter was probably a 2 bedroom unit and not a house. I heard the other day on the radio that prices are rising because of the mining boom happening in South Australia...

    Hi Caroline,yes I have been to the Arid Lands garden, it is very pretty and grows plants most suited to this area. You can even purchase plants off them to grow. There is a restaurant out there set among the garden. It is all lovely and peaceful.
    We live about 7kms from the town centre (outskirts) on a couple of acres.

    Enjoy you day too...


  6. Thanks for sharing your part of the world Tania - an area I have to admit to not knowing much about prior to watching this. cheers Wendy

  7. It's great to see part of our state being promoted!!
    Thanks for posting that, I hadn't seen it yet.

  8. Thanks for sharing the video about your town Tania - the scenery is beautiful and quite unique, with that red coloured earth and the water nearby! I would like to see those gardens, and all that sunshine year round sounds good!

  9. I just became your 200th Follower! Congratulations! Great video of your area!

  10. How fascinating! Ooh all of the water, and the trains... and of course the wonderful accent!! Thanks for sharing your part of the world!

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Hi Tania, that is nice!
    I looked at your blog and you did mine today...coincidence! I think it is neat your husband gets to drive a train! Sounds like a dream fulfilled! love,andrea


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