Sunday, October 30, 2011

A good weekend

Some dog play...

homemade dog food...

My new, used wheel barrow that hubby spruced up for me today, it needed a new wheel..

Hippeastrum's looking beautiful

Lacey coriander in flower,
so pretty...

The lettuces in containers are doing well, just wish the sparrows didn't enjoy them so much lol.

In the veggie garden...


Capsicums starting to flower...

sugar peas have sprouted...

more lettuces...

Apple cucumbers...

in flower...
wont be long now

Potatoes are getting tall...


I think they may be ready...



have started picking these already...



getting bigger and fruiting a plenty...

Some of the zucchini's...

What did you get up to this weekend?


  1. It's nice to see your pictures. We're headed the other way, seasonally, here in West Virginia (USA).

  2. What a great weekend! Love the dog play and veggies!

    We've enjoyed a quiet weekend at the cottage, walking in the countryside, visiting a beautiful village and popping to the supermarket.

    Sft x

  3. Your garden is looking so good!

  4. Your vege garden is looking fantastic. Beetroot, there is nothing quite as good as homegrown beetroot.
    Anne xx

  5. It's lovely to see whats happening in everyone's gardens, it's such a productive time of the year, Hope you get a good harvest! :)

  6. Your garden is so advanced,, It is a real bonus growing your own vegies..
    Love your dog :))

  7. Your veggies are looking good. Mine are some way off yet.

  8. Hi Tania, your veggies are looking good and tomatoes too, im a little jealous of those.Weekend at our place involved moving lots of dirt, husband in his element with the boy toys excavator and bob cat while i kept out of the way.Thanks for the link on companion planting.

  9. I love seeing what's happening in yout garden I love the idea for dog food.

  10. Great vegies. You do so well to grow them where you live. Fantastic work ! Jen

  11. Your garden is growing so beautiful. It makes me anxious for late spring/early summer in my neck of the woods. Up here in Montana our high today was 41 and our low tonight is predicted to be around 17. By January our highs will be below zero - ha! ha! Does that make you glad for 98 - 100 degress down your way?


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.