Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry CHRISTmas!

We are puffing and panting as the weather is handing out it's Summer best this CHRISTmas. It has been very hot all week and I am so tired...

37C yesterday (98.6F),

39C today (102.2F),

41C (105.8F) tomorrow (CHRISTmas Eve)

and 37C (98.6F) on CHRISTmas day!
I suppose that is better than the 42C (107.6F) they forecast earlier in the week. Not much fun when there is so much to prepare, but we will get there. CHRISTmas lunch will consist of cold meats and salads, followed by my Mum's favourite CHRISTmas pudding and brandy custard YUM!

I want to wish everyone one a very Blessed CHRISTmas and a may 2012 be all that you hope for...

Love, peace and joy to you all!



  1. oh WOW that is way HOT.
    Salads sound just right.
    Love Leanne

  2. Have a good'un and try not to melt! It makes a dreadful mess! :D ♥

  3. Wishing you a happy and blessed CHRISTmas, Tania! Wish we were having a cold Christmas lunch too but I am sure it will be yummy just the same. Enjoy the time with your family,

    Cheers & CHRISTmas wishes,


  4. I hope that you and yours have a very blessed CHRISTmas as well, Tania!

  5. Tania I hope you a have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family Tania,and all the very best for 2012 !

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family Tania :)

    Thank you for your well wishes too!!

    Here's hoping the weather is kind to us all and blows in a little cooler on Christmas Day!

  8. Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Anne xx

  9. dear tania
    wow that is really hot!!!your meal sounds perfect.
    i wish you and yours merry christmas and a happy new year.
    love and hugs regina

  10. Hi Tania, wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and lots of health and happiness for 2012. Hope you don't melt! We have a predicted maximum of 29C, so much more pleasant than the last few years.

  11. Merry Christmas Tania! I could not imagine a hot Christmas...but weather should have nothing to do with the Birth of Christ! And in Delaware, we haven't had too much snow in December, ours comes mostly in Jan/Feb. love,andrea

  12. Happy CHRISTmas Tania to you and your family!

  13. Wow that is too hot. I cant remember a time when it was 107F here in new york. Merry Christmas to you!!! I do have a question I read a few Blogs from Australia Do you have air conditioners?

  14. Wishing you and your family a Happy Festive Season too Tania.
    Don't even that heat, but it's a dry heat isn't it? We are having a mild summer to date, bit humid though with lots of rain events happening along the coast over the next few days. cheers Wendy

  15. Yes Lisa we do have an air conditioner, but it really struggles with the high heat, it is 20 years old and is a ducted/water one on the good at all when the weather is humid. We do have a swimming pool too, which comes in handy quite regularly through the Summer months :)

  16. have a wonderful christmas and a happy safe new year.
    Stay cool and dont forget to slip slop and slap. haha

  17. I hope had a terrific Christmas.

    The temperature in our part of SA peaked at just over 40 degrees the day before Christmas. Hot hot hot. Christmas day was perfect though. Not to hot and not to cold.

    I look forward to following your journey in 2012.

  18. Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!

    I Love your country.

  19. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas...I don't mean to brag but this year Christmas day was only 25 here...Perfect...The first I can remember in a long time though...
    Have a great New year.


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