Thursday, February 9, 2012

Odds and sods...

Expanding my crochet skills by
making removable covers for my coasters, while adding a bit of colour around the place.


and back...

Some pretty daisy squares for a cushion...

And a couple of bookmarks...

In the garden...

Picking some capsicums...

Silver beet going to seed...

Planted some pumpkins...


Baby apple cucumbers...

More capsicums on the bushes...

Zucchinis are still producing although a lot slower now and the plants are looking tired...

Picking carrots too!

A bigger apple cucumber hiding away under cover...

Snow peas...

The white figs are still plentiful....

The citrus are back




And a new lemon tree...

This is the third one we have planted, but the other two died so hopefully we have more success this time.
So far so good...

From two piles to one.

The mulch is slowly being spread around our yard...

The trees are loving it...

An inch of rain recently has helped...

My turn to wash the soccer guernsey's.
My son now plays in the under 17's and so far his team, the Stirling Strikers are undefeated this season. Not bad for coaching themselves because there is no coach available...and having the team with the most girls on their side, there are three :)

I wonder what is happening in your corner of the world?



  1. Gee your garden is going fantastic,hope the Lemon goes well we also have just put a new one in...the crochet is wonderful,you have great colour choice.

  2. Love your crocheting! I've been drooling over Attic24's blog! She has some gorgeous things there. I have to go an buy wool today so I can start a new project!

  3. Your garden is doing so much better than mine this year, the silly weather we are getting has just about ruined everything.
    Those crocheting skills are certainly coming along nicely.

  4. What a garden~ I'm still hoping for snow here... but then I see your garden and...

    My friend just showed me how to make a crocheted granny square at church last Sunday. I didn't come right home and practice so I hope I remember! :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. You can have as much rain from over our way as you like ;]

    Your garden is looking fab!

    Love your crochet :]

  6. We have had a lot of problems with lemon trees too Tania. We had one in our rental on the westside and that flourished. Here the tree hasn't had any fruit.

    Your crochet is gorgeous.

  7. Love the coaster covers Tanya.. And all those home grown vegies.. Wonderful.. :)


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