Saturday, February 18, 2012


I couldn't pass these up...

@ .98c a kilo from the local supermarket.

I stewed them up for a yummy dessert,
and I cook them whole with the seeds left in and just pick them out is a lot less work!
I dont eat plums raw, but I eat plenty when they are cooked :)

My healthy version of plums, natural yoghurt and weetbix :)

Hubby's not so healthy version of thick cream and icecream lol!

Yesterday our daughter brought around some more yummy goodness...plums and peaches. :)

So I guess I had better get busy...maybe some jam this time :)

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Ours is a hot one with 39C (102.2F) on both Saturday and Sunday!



  1. Oh how nice! I was just dreaming of jam today....thinking of what canning jars I need to buy when it is summer (and wondering how much I remember of how to can). they look so good. I prefer fruit to vegetables any day! love,andrea

  2. Nothing like home grown peaches is for plums, Im with you, I dont like them unless they are super sweet, but cooked , I enjoy them much more...we are off to Port Hughes this week, so the weather will be perfect for the beach..

  3. What a yummy breaky that would be a favorite of mine too! Also nice stewed with a little red wine and cinnamon.

  4. Fresh fruit is a huge bonus.. Our peaches were to small to do a lot with, I guess not enough water was the cause.. :(
    But I do love your hubbies idea of a great desert with the lot ..Well done :))

  5. Hmm, weetbix with the plums and yoghurt.......I like that Idea Tania...also like icecream too, but know which one I should be having!!

    Peaches yummy love beautiful, home grown peaches. Our plum tree s fruiting nicely, haven't cooked any yet as we are enjoying them straight from the tree...

    Boy, you must be well and truly ready for Autumn and some cooler weather Tania...

    Enjoy the weekend,

    Claire :}

  6. The plums look delicious! As for the scorching hot can have it ;) We haven't had a day over 34 here all summer, which is unusual, but very welcome.

  7. Hi Tania,
    Thanks for following my blog. Thought I would call by and visit you. You have some great ideas, and as we are in the depth of winter here in the UK it was nice to see your photo's of plums, peaches and the garden. It reminds me spring isn't too far away.
    Have a good weekend

  8. Love the colour of the plums Tanya, and so tasty with the yoghurt and weetbix... Looks delicious.. :)

  9. They look delicious Tania ! Plum jam is my favourite too !!!!
    Miss you on f/b btw :0)

  10. Just noticed the temperature down under Tania...Outch!
    The fruits you featured are beautiful and jam sounds great! Weetabix is also a favourite here with hubby (I stick to toast and jam myself!).
    All the best,

  11. My parents have plum trees and make a nice crumble, they also drizzle the juice over vanilla ice cream.

  12. I just came across your wonderful blog and I love it. Can't wait to see more. I am your newest follower now. Greetings from the US...Heidi

  13. Mmm. Two of my very favorites... plums and peaches!

    Blessings, Debbie


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