Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In the Garden

The veggie garden is doing really well with this lovely weather we are having...

Nice warm days, with a few showers of rain maybe once a week is doing wonderful things for the plants :)

The nights have cooled right down now and have been quite damp at times...

I have some late flowers on the poor tomato plants.  They didn't yield too many tomatoes this year but I got enough...I think I may over water the plants so need to do some more research on how to grow them successfully.   They died back but have re-shot since recent rain, and I have young plants popping up too...

I dont have problems growing silver beet, it is like a noxious weed but oh so handy for the chooks when there is no green around for them to eat...

Bok choy grows and goes straight to seed and then all little plants appear from the seed.  I dont think that our climate is suitable for them to thrive...

We have some baby Spring onions growing naturally among the pumpkins...
(Why sideways blogger?)

Have planted out some more broccoli
because I had great success with them last year :)

A pumpkin hiding away under it's big leaves...

And another...

I got the pumpkins planted a bit late as I didn't have the space while the Summer crops were growing...

The original Spring onions growing oh so well.
We have been eating quite a bit of these lately in our Asian recipes...

We have planted more beetroot as we have run out of our pickled ones now, they were soooo nice!
Can't wait until these are ready :)

The potatoes have had another lease on life and I accidently found some potatoes the other day while poking around, so have piled some more dirt on top, it will be interesting to see how many we finally get when I remove the tyres...

Planted out some dwarf beans and they are doing well, hopefully we get a nice crop before the frosts hit, they are already flowering so fingers crossed...

 The capsicums are producing abundantly at the moment, and so are the apple cucumbers,
I pick some nearly every day...

I am so enjoying going out to the garden and picking carrots as I need them, so much better than the bought ones...

Progress is happening to the next part of the garden, I think hubby is realising that we can grow much more than he first thought. Just takes a little effort to establish things, but the benefits are so rewarding...I dont spend a great deal of time out in the garden, just watering and pulling a few weeds which can be very therapeutic... 

The herbs are also doing great, I grow these in pots and water with rain water from our storage tanks...






The Aloe Vera has really gone ahead leaps and bounds.

And I have bought this coriander,  just needs to be potted out in the next few days...

How is your garden growing?

Hope the weather is being nice where you live...

On a sadder note, we have a funeral to go to tomorrow, and will be travelling down in the early hours to be there because it is four hours away from here.  It has been a sad week for our family as we have lost two Uncles within days of each other and both funerals are tomorrow. One at one end of the state and the other at the other end, so we can only go to one. One Uncle was only 66 and died of bowel cancer, the other was 83 and also died of bowel cancer :(

I have been doing a lot of thinking this week about how short life really is and that we all should enjoy it and live it to the fullest.  I will be turning the big 50 later this year and feel my life is now ticking away.  My aim is to keep eating healthy and exercising to keep the old joints working and truly take stock of what is important to me. I can tell you right now that it is not the all stuff that I have been accumulating over the years...Time for a clean out I think!



  1. Flippin' heck Tania don't say that! I'm 50 next year!!! ;-D Sorry to hear about the uncles :( YOur veggie garden looks great, ours was a bit of a dead loss really but then we thought we were moving, but now we're not, so we can get back into it again soon.

  2. Love seeing the photos of your garden....it is amazing what you grow in those conditions.....sorry to hear about your uncles.....I turned 50 last year and lost a younger sister one week later....Christine passed away from complications from type 1 diabetes.....it certainly does make take stock of the important things in our lives.......I have not see any comments on the Down to Earth book...what did you think of it......I have had a copy of the book since Xmas but still have not read it...Cathy

  3. Sorry to hear your sad news, that cancer is such a nasty disease.

    On the other hand your garden is just amazing you certainly have green thumbs.

    Safe travels and a Happier Easter weekend to you and your family.


  4. Morning Tania, Your garden is an inspiration. We have had some great sunny weeks here in the UK and plants and flowers have been shooting much earlier. Being a bit of a gambler I have planted out my mange toute, beetroot, garlic, leaks and onions along with some seeds. and guess what. Snow predicted for the end of the week. grrrr. We are away for the easter so the garden will have to look out for it self. I suspect I will have to start again when we get home.

    There is also a problem with bees. We have lost lots in the UK due to a bacteria (I think) that has massively reduced stocks. This year because the weather has been so wark hives are full of new bees early. If the weather turns as badly as expected the workers will not be able to get out and get food so the experts are expecting great losses. Without bees we really are in trouble, so here's hoping things work out ok

    P S I turned 50 a few years ago, it's not too bad. honestly !

  5. So sorry to hear your sad news about your Uncles, my Hubby's dad has just been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer and we are not looking forward to hearing what the potential outcome will be,,,he is in NZ which doesn't help :(

    Your garden looks amazing. I am so far behind in our veggie garden, I haven't even planted up my autum seeds yet! Hopefully this weekend I will get a stack of seeds planted and get our veggie garden sorted out too.

    All the best, keep your chin up for tomorrow.

  6. The veggie garden is looking great. The hard work is paying off!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your uncles. Safe travelling.
    You garden is looking fabulous, so many veges, they must taste fantastic.
    I turn 50 later in the year, can't say I'm bothered really. I'm very grateful for my good health and my wonderful family. I'm especially grateful for peace of mind...something I've not always had. It's good to take stock of our life and all that we have.
    Anne xx

  8. Oh, your garden puts mine to shame! Veggie garden? What veggie garden? I was only saying to Gus on the weekend how I must get out and weed our back raised beds but my back has been playing up so that idea got squashed!
    It's sad to lose two family members in such a short time...

    We were only talking about age today and I said how I don't know how I will get to 80 with all the aches I have now... and I am usually a very well person! Oh, well - get out there and go for it, I suppose!

    Cheers - Joolz

  9. I always love seeing your garden and marvel at your achievements every time. I am so sorry to hear your sad news too and you're right, the cycle of life is a good reminder to take stock of the important things. Shame you couldn't have farewelled both.

  10. Sorry to hear about your Uncles.

    Life is short, you are right, we must all make the most of it.

    Love the garden update, you are so inspiring.

    Sft x

  11. Sorry to hear about your uncles. So sad losing loved ones to that horrible disease.

    The garden looks great and really 50 isn't all that bad!


  12. we are only just starting to plant out the normal types of veggies as they don't grow here during the wet season. You have an amazing selection and everything looks so healthy. sorry about both your uncles.

  13. Hi Tania your garden is looking fantastic,that's a lot of beetroot do you pick the young leaves for salad too? They all say life begins at 50...........( i hope so I'm 50 next year ) Sorry to hear of your uncles, take care and have a safe & happy Easter.

  14. Your pics are great, one day I hope my vege look as good.

  15. Your garden is looking great. Mine struggled over summer with to much rain and not enough sunny warm weather. However my tomatoes really impressed me and have been producing since early December.

    Sad to hear about your uncles. Never a happy time. We lost an Aunt to cancer recently, she was in her 80s.

    Have a blessed Easter.

  16. Sorry to hear about your Uncles..Travel safe this Easter. Your vege garden and herbs are amazingly healthy I'm sure you will stay healthy as well eating all that home grown food..

  17. Tania your vegetable garden is amazing. I'm truly surprised at what you can grown out there. Unfortunately my vegie garden is feeding the grasshopers more than the family at the moment. (any suggestions to deter them are greatly appreciated) Sorry to hear about your uncles and yes we need constant reminders to make the most of everyday..... Jen

  18. So sorry for your loss, Tania. I feel as though I go to more and more funerals these days. But please don't feel maudlin about being 50, reflect upon what you have achieved and make every day count, it's very important not to feel like you've missed anything!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog tonight, your garden loooks beautiful.


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