Monday, June 4, 2012

Out in the Garden

I have managed to fall behind with my blogging, so will try and catch up this week.  I have had an eventful time over the last week or so.  

Firstly we did a trip home to Ceduna to help our friend celebrate his 70th Birthday, it was nice to catch up with old friends once again.

Last Wednesday my second daughter flew out to America.  She has some research to do over there for her studies at University.  She is doing a PhD in History so this requires her ability to research all things history.  I was a worried mum (and still am) because Kyla is doing this all on her own, so no one is travelling with her.  She has always been very independent so I am probably worrying for nothing.  Kyla is after all 28 years old, so old enough to know how to take care of herself.  She arrived safely in Los Angeles and at the moment she is in Las Vegas then off to San Francisco tomorrow.  She will be away for a month and then she is going to come and visit with us for a couple of days when she returns :)

Our son has had a bad dose of the flu.  He finally returned to school today even though he is not feeling a hundred percent yet. The doctor has put him on antibiotics and he will need another checkup this week. He missed a whole week from school right when he was due to do tests for his grades...He is doing year 11 this year and was doing quite well until this hiccup.  Hopefully this illness wont affect his grades too much.

So now on to the post, this one is an update from our garden.  I was hoping to get more winter plants in but that hasn't happened as yet.  Still waiting for the rest of the veggie beds to be finished off.  Hubby is on holidays for a month so hopefully.... :)  He has been busy painting the outside of the house around the veranda until we had rain and that has put a halt to it for a couple of days.

A while ago hubby threw a heap of Quandong (wild peach) seeds out around the yard and this year there are young plants popping up everywhere.

Here is one of them...

An established quandong tree fruiting...
These will be ripe in September.

The silver beet is growing nicely, and has self seeded well this year...

Carrots and tomatoes.
We are enjoying the nice juicy crunch of home grown carrots :)

 Capsicum, beans and spring onions...
The beans are producing well, it is so nice to go out into the garden and picked fresh veggies for tea.

Beetroot and spring onions...

The beetroot is ready...

The spring onions are giants,
my dad thought they were leeks :)

Self seeded spring onion among the pumpkin...

We have four pumpkins nearly ready for picking...

The capsicums are slowing down for winter...

 Tomatoes on the bush,
they are doing well considering the time of year.  We have some frosts coming this week so that will probably burn the bushes...
not sure if these will ripen or not as the weather has become cold and winter has set in.

Picking plenty of beans...

 These are the dwarf variety, big beans on a small plant, they dont climb...

I have planted some celery for the first time and it is growing well...

Another first timer is this sweet potato plant (Kumara)
I was amazed to learn that this is a creeping plant and will spread over the soil or grow on a trellis...

Baby broccoli...

I cant wait until these are ready for my orange juice in the mornings, they are so sweet.

I squeeze these too and add to my orange juice. Hubby cant have them because of taking cholesterol tablets.  Apparently grapefruit will stop the tablet from working.

And lastly the mandarins are ripening...
The tree is not as over loaded as last year, which is a good thing because we had so many that some went to waste.  There is only so many things you can do with mandarins :)

Hope everyone out there in blog land is keeping safe and well.

Until next time,

Take care,



  1. Wow, alot of picking happening at your house...I am mostly picking greens, and the last of the eggplants and capsicums...Im surprised to see you still have pumpkins and beans and tomatoes...fantastic....

  2. Wonderful garden and so much fresh produce! I am sure your daughter is doing well on her own but I understand how you worry as a Mum..I would too! I hope your son feels better soon! Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

  3. Your garden is looking fantastic. So much choice. It was nice to catch up.

  4. great looking fruit and veges there Tania. Our peas, beetroot and carrots are close to being ready.

  5. sevelson 39hi tania,
    wonderful garden with many good fresh
    wish you a nice week,

  6. My daughter has been travelling the world on her own for ten years and mostly to places where they speak no English. I gave up worrying a long time ago as she is smart and up for adventure as I expect your daughter is as well.

  7. have real gardens! What lovely fruit too! That is great about your daughter. I love education. If only I were smart...

    I will pray she is safe traveling. And sorry your son is ill!

  8. Your garden is looking great and very productive. Oh your daughter will love San Francisco, and before you know it she will be back with all her travel stories to share.

  9. Congrats to your daughter travelling all the way to USA ... As mums we do worry , its natural :))
    Great garden , the plants are doing so well :))I would love your orange tree..

  10. Your veggie garden and fruit trees look great, but the things I really envy and crave for are the pumpkins.
    Brits, and Scots in particular, have absolutely NO IDEA what good proper meaty pumpkins are like. Nasty, watery things they grow here - can't hold a candle to a good Queensland Blue. Just enjoy roast ones, pumpkin soup and scones for me - food parcels are acceptable!!

  11. I am really enjoying your blog Tania! The gardens are just beautiful I look forward to reading more :)


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