Sunday, November 4, 2012

The week in progress...

Today the heat has up it's intensity, 
with our temperature due to be 41C  (105.9F)
It has been very warm to hot this past week and will continue for a few days yet...

I can feel the swimming pool calling...Hubby has cleaned it so it is all ready to go :)

We are having some beautiful sunsets!

 I have put the shade over the veggies...

 Picking lettuces and zucchini...

Making stir-fry's from the garden...


 The Hippy's are out...

Beetroot and carrots...

 And the biggest job of all...

 Pickling the beetroot...

Five hours and twenty two jars later...

The light coloured ones are beets too!

What about you, what have you all been up to?



  1. We are going to take the children to the pool too. I haven't been nearly as productive as you although I did get in and clean the storeroom out yesterday.

  2. I bet that pool will get a work out! I don't think I could live where it gets that hot, so early on after winter.

    Yum, all that beetroot looks so good. Well, I have some tomato plants in tubs but not sure how they will go. The hanging planter ones seem to have hardened up okay so hopefully they will get a grow on too.

    Say cool,
    Cheers- Joolz

  3. Hi Tania,
    Wow I can't believe you have that heat and your garden still looks amazing.Tell us about the white beetroot - is it a different kind?

  4. Great to see you have all those fresh veges. Wow, all those beetroot. I never got the beetroot to taste like m-i-laws, it was so good.

    I wrote a garden update last night, and this morning we have made a batch of sauerkraut from 8lbs of veges 3.6kgs) mostly bought ones.

  5. We finally have got heat now but had to go way south to get it.
    Yah Yuma Arizona!

  6. yay for stirfry from the garden! that's a lot of beetroot!!!

  7. Your garden is looking fantastic Tania. Mine is suffering a bit with the dry weather we have been having but that's how it is with gardening. Yum for the beetroot, I love it especially pickled.
    Stay cool.

  8. Roast beetroot is good too. You can even put roast vegetables on a pizza with feta cheese. Ta, da. Very gourmet!!!

  9. I admire the diversity in your garden! I have had a busy social week but one of my sons got out and cleaned up the yard and it looks like a park..I'm so proud of his initiative.

  10. With temperatures like that I bet you're glad you have a swimming pool. Look at all that lovely produce from your garden and well done on the mammoth beetroot pickling session.
    Anne xx

  11. Wowie, you have been a busy lady! How great your garden produce looks! It is so odd that you get summer when we get winter. Although, it is 90 here today. The last hurrah, I hope!
    Lovely post!
    xo Kris

  12. Oh my goodness, I can't believe that you are preserving in that heat! Well done, Tania!

  13. wow, I cant believe the veggies you manage to grow in that heat - our lettuces bolt as soon as summer comes around. I think it must be the humidity rather than the heat that gets them, as we only have highs in the low thirties. I cant imagine that heat - hope you find plenty of ways to stay cool.

  14. I tagged you Tania! I hope you play along.

  15. Impressive canning work! It's so good to read about warm weather in other places. Makes me appreciate my chilly mornings when I think of 105 degrees!!

  16. Awesome! Love the look of all that beetroot! I was so excited to pickle my first jar of beetroot this year. I plan to plant a lot more next time! :)


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