Thursday, December 13, 2012

All Set Now

We have our own weather station,

a birthday present from hubby...

As you can see it has been very hot the last couple of days...
44.6C (112.28F)!

It is cooler now, but very humid.  

Hopefully we get some rain to rejuvenate the thirsty garden.

What's the weather like where you live?



  1. Very nice weather station! Here we are having blizzard conditions!!!! Snow, snow and more snow.

  2. Tania, I missed your previous post regarding the loss of those two lovely girls. I am so very sorry. Such senselessness in our world. Prayers to all.

  3. way way cool having your own weather station - drool!

    Summer has finally arrived in NZ we had a hot day here 25 deg C - now no laughing it was our hot.

    Love Leanne

  4. Goodmorning,Gee we thought it was hot here 2 weeks ago at 41 when our son and family came home for an early Christmas! I need to say thank you to you, I came on half hour ago,read your blog,got straight off and went and bought Bob a weather station like yours for Christmas! he loves his little water holder(when it rains lol) and has a barometer but he will love this, so thank you for the idea.Hope you get some cool relief soon.

  5. We actually have something resembling summer at present but it is looking a bit like rain....again!

    viv in nz

  6. Oh what a lovely birthday present - although sometimes I feel hotter and more uncomfortable when I see the figures. We are having quite a bit of wind lately which makes the heat more bearable. I also wish it would start raining....

  7. We've had drizzly rain all day but it's muggy inside. Only about 20C. It was 39c here on Wednesday. No wonder I have a chest infection!

    Very spiffy weather station!

  8. It's warm today..not too hot, thank goodness. We have a smaller weather station and my American daughter in law always changes the settings to fahrenheit and I always change them back to celsius..hehe!

  9. Fluctuating. I think Robertson is the capital (or second to the capital) of rainfall in Oz, so we are used to fluctuating.

    It was sunny one minute, cloudy the next here today. Yesterday was hottish.

    Great idea about the weather statino - my hubby would love one.


  10. What a great idea! I must get one for my hubby for his b/day - he is a weather fanatic. Happy belated Birthday to you Tania!
    cheers Wendy

  11. It sounds like it's miserably hot where you are. Hopefully the cooler temperatures will stick around for a while. We are having a very mild December. No snow yet, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that some white stuff will fall between now and Christmas!


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