Friday, June 28, 2013


As Google reader will no longer be available as of Monday the 1st July 2013, I have added a bloglovin button on the right hand side for my followers.  I am not up with all this technology so please bear with me while I try and figure things out. Any help would be appreciated :)



  1. I've added it too. We're all going to be winging it for a while. I just don't understand why Google keeps getting rid of all it's popular features.

  2. I hadn't hear this, I hate it when they change things. I'll have to muddle through somehow. I'll always try to find you.

  3. Apparently you don't really have to do anything, so I'm not :D

  4. If you go on your blogloving page, you can transfer all the blogs you follow in one time. it was actually pretty simple...but I don't like this change either.

  5. Apparently you won't have to di anything either Tania. It's up to your followers to make the necessary changes if they need to. It's all been explained on my Facebook page. Have a read when you get a chance. Have a good weekend ♥

  6. Thank you for your help Sue, I bet that I didn't have to do anything, should have waited to see what happens on Monday :)

    Thanks again


  7. Tania, we are currently having a 'discussion' about this on the DTE forum. I just read your post after checking to see if the Blogger thingy was still working for me as Rose has already lost hers for some reason. Another learning curve!


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.