Thursday, August 8, 2013

Out Back

It was a cold and frosty morning
1C (34F)

Once the sun came up,  fog drifted over the town...

 After lunch I ventured outside to the garden
and passed these three pretties enjoying the sunshine.
It was a lovely and warm 21C (70F)

I did some digging,

And took the cover off the capsicums,

so they could enjoy the sun J




 I removed the shade from the sweet potatoes...

New shoots are forming...



Flowering broccoli...

 More celery,
 this stuff grows wild. It is coming up everywhere all over the garden...

Like it is here...


I am going to pick some and make a Rhubarb cake like this ONE.

There are nice healthy new shoots...

 Silver beet...


 pretty lacy flower from carrot patch...

These are growing wild too...
They coming up in the other garden beds,
these ones are among the sweet potatoes. 

Carrots, carrots


 including the pathways J

 There is even a carrot with this newly discovered tomato plant.  
I am guessing this is the tiny toms variety, they too grow like weeds lol.

 New growth...

 This will be the last pic of the beetroot,
as I will be picking them tomorrow J

I have picked the main broccoli but they are still producing little ones, so they get to stay a bit longer. 
When they are finished, the leaves will go to the chooks (Aussie term for chickens) as they love them..

 Spring onions, silver beet and garlic.
I really must thin some of these onions.  
You guessed it they grow WILD too!

I am hoping I have found a solution to my water woes.  
Think I might try these...
You can see how to make your own "Olla's" at threeForks

or these ones HERE

water tight seal

What is growing in your garden this time of year? 
 Do you have any water saving advice that works for you?  
Have you tried Olla's in your garden?

Thank you to my new friend over at 
(where I discovered the olla's) for sharing this link

Check it out, it is amazing J

Has given me something to think about with regard to our pool.



  1. Nice looking garden. Is that carrot flower from an actual carrot or is it wild. Also thanks for the pictures of the ollas. I am thinking of experimenting with those next season.

  2. You amaze me with all the things you grow. It must be a terrific amount of work. I grew some Indian corn every once in awhile years ago but the sheer variety of the plants in your garden is amazing.

    I'll bet you save a lot of money on food and you know what's on what you are eating. When I buy things at the grocery store they've been trucked in from many miles away and sprayed with different things like wax to make them look fresher than they are.

  3. You are doing good for it to be the middle of winter, if it were here, everything would have been long frozen except the toughest of the greens and turnips. Spring will be there before you know it!

  4. Tania, I'm looking forward to hearing if you can solve your water problems. Keep us updated.

  5. The garden is looking GREAT! I can't wait to see how the ollas work out. I have been talking to a company in Texas that makes ollas and they finally found a nursery to be a distributor here. I am going to take a look at them next week. I like this brand because they are Texas BIG. 2.5 gallons! Hopefully they aren't too pricy...

  6. Tania your garden is always so inspiring.

    Mine is looking ok as it has been raining lots here (thank heavens - literally!).

    Take care.

  7. As always the production in your garden continues to delight and amaze me. 1C to 21C is a big hike in temperature in a day. :)
    Anne xx

  8. amazing how much variety you have. That is just wonderful!

  9. I was late putting my garden in this winter, but things are growing nicely. Hopefully I'll be able to pick the kale soon. And the rest soon after. Your garden looks fantastic!

  10. Every thing is looking so good, lots to keep you busy there thats for sure...happy gardening

  11. I love the tire and bathtub planters. I truly can't think of a nicer way to recycle those. the rhubarb cake looks delicioius! I don't know what ollas are, so I'm heading over to read the link.


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