Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Out the Back today...

*.¸¸.*¸.* In the hen house ¸.*¸.*¸.*

These little bantams are the best brooders, and they make the best mothers.
We now have three clucky hens J
These two are even willing to share the load.  They are sisters that we reared from babies.  
The other hen is one of their offspring...

 So they have been separated and fertile eggs brought in from outsiders and placed under them. This is the first time we have had double decker pens J
We really don't need any more chickens, but try telling these girls that...

 We are still getting plenty of eggs J 
They come in all different sizes and colours...
I reckon that big one in the front will be a double yolker, 
we have had a few of them this year.

 *.¸¸.*¸.*✿  In the Garden ¸.*¸.*¸.*

To the left...

To the right...

This morning in the garden was yet another one of our regular visitors.  He wasn't so keen to hang around today.  I really don't want him in the garden, because they like to eat the veggies, especially strawberries, so I was pleased to see him continue on his way out of the gate.

 Plenty of bees a buzzing J

 Even had a few little native bees hanging around...
(Click pic to enlarge)


 I have my tomatoes in. I put eggshells in the hole under the plant to add calcium, and put a layer of newspaper down followed by a thick layer of mulch...I usually have trouble growing the bigger tomatoes, so have been doing some reading and hopefully, this year will be more successful.  This is the only veggie that gives me grief.  The tiny toms grow like crazy!

I have more sweet potatoes growing...

Kale still growing although it is struggling a bit with the warmer weather and is shooting up to seed...

The onions are almost ready to harvest J

Sweet potatoes growing well in a bath.  Hubby has managed to get three more baths and at the moment is making frames for them.  We are going to replace one of the larger garden beds with these baths as they hold moisture really, really well...

 I have cut the capsicums back...
you can see how well the olla's work by the weeds growing J

Two beetroot plants that were too small to pick when I harvested the others. When they are ready I will use this bed for something else. I have seeds planted in punnets and am waiting patiently for them to grow...


The lettuces as they are now.  The weeds you can see are oats and vetch.  I let it grow a little before pulling them out and laying on top of the bed. I believe they add nitrogen to the soil...


This is the bed we are going to replace with baths.  It is a wicking bed, but I think because it is so big, it does not work well. It dries out really quickly. Hopefully I can transplant the rhubarb successfully, I would hate to lose it now it is so big...

 Potatoes in a pot...

I have yet to plant anything in these beds, I am still testing the olla's to see how moist they keep the soil in the heat. So far so good...I think I need to add more compost to this soil though...

Potatoes and capsicum...


 Tiny tomatoes and carrots growing happily together.  
These are all self sown...

The strong winds have knocked the spring onions about...

 The zucchinis are not going so well.  
I think I have been keeping the shade over them too much.
I have four plants but only one is doing any good, so
 I have put some more zucchini seeds into punnets...

Today is a lovely day with nice warm sunshine.  The temperature is suppose to be 33C (91.4F). 
Tomorrow will be a whole different story with the temperature rising to 
38C (100.4F).
Another hot, windy, dirty spring day!


Oct 9
Dust. Becoming windy

Wishing you all a lovely day, hope the weather is being kind J



  1. Quite a selection you have there!

  2. Tania, it seems that the ollas are working so far. I still haven't found any unglazed terracotta pots :-( I'll keep looking though. This hot spring weather has just been too much for us in our usually cool area. Hopefully we will have spring in summer seeing as we are having summer weather in spring. LOL!

  3. We found that game hens also are good brooders but they get a little wild at times. Your weather sure heated up quickly, things are looking good.

  4. It's still cold here in Perth :) which I love but I'm in the minority. I didn't know calcium helps tomatoes, I have lots of eggshells and I'm about to plant tomatoes, so will try this. Love your chookies, so cute!

  5. That lizard looks old to me. He comes there because he knows that a kind lady lives in the house, who would not begrudge an old lizard a few strawberries!

    I don't need any more chickens either. My old Labrador dog helps me by finding the nests in Spring and Summer and eating the eggs. Last count I had 52 chickens.

  6. I am going to assume that those are lizard type critters...oh goodness I get the willies just looking at them. I am glad our lizards are only 6 inches tops. As long as they stay outside, I am good. Great looking garden you have. We are slowly getting started on our very small garden (patio) for next year. After not buying an orange pepper at $2.50 each, I decided we will be growing peppers.

    Thanks so much for sharing.
    blessings, jill

  7. Gosh how very different it all seems over there with you. We are just preparing for our long cold winter .. your sunny photos warm the cocles of my heart.
    I must just say .. what a good idea making the broody coops out of old barrels.

    Vicky x

  8. It all looks amazing, we have been harvesting and I will very soon start the replanting as we make room. Let's hope this summer isn't as hot as the last couple of years my tomatoes have cooked on the vines!

  9. That's awesome! I love to see all of those ollas!

  10. Such a great post. Your place looks amazing. Such a different environment to grow everything in. I'm normally thinking I've got too much water, but I don't fancy digging in 38 degrees weather! In fact if it was that hot I don't think I'd get anything done!

  11. Our garden is just starting up after winter. It has been warm but there is a cold snap at present so I've not done anything much outside yet. Except to do a massive wash due to teenagers finally cleaning their rooms........!

    viv in nz

  12. Hey, Tania.

    Just stopped by to say hello, see how you were doing, and have another look at that lizard!


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