Friday, March 21, 2014

The New Gates

Hubby finally got his way.  He bought and installed some new gates to the entrance of our block.
He has been wanting to do this for the longest time.

Two big double farm gates...

With a small entry gate.

This will make the place more secure when we go away.
Especially now we don't have a dog to keep an eye on things.

I wonder who out of our visitors will be the first to accidentally drive headlong into them lol!

I would like to thank you all for the kind comments regarding the loss of our special dog Millie, she sure is missed around these parts...

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. The weather is looking good here, hope it is the same where you are.



  1. Those are wonderful gates, I would really like to have some like that. Is that a rail road crossing jack that is in the back ground?

  2. Looking good Tania..:)) Enjoy your weekend..hugs pat :))

  3. I don't know if they're available there, but a trail cam would be a good idea to see who may come around when you're gone. Of course, you'll have to hide them so no-one will be aware of them.

  4. My husband is also a train driver and we have train crossing signs around our yard. We also had to buy old NSW gates that private properties, mostly farms, had in where they crossed the tracks that we use towards the back of our property to keep the dogs in. We have an 'understanding' if he wants to use the gates and signs he couldn't put them near the street so they went towards the back of our land (1.5 acres). Sometimes ever now and then another sign appears when I've been out, but as long as they can't be seen from the street (and also so they aren't stolen) I'm happy.

  5. Gates are sometime a necessity and I do like the sign! Right to the point!
    Wondering if available online?
    All the best,

  6. My gate gives me a lot of piece of mind. Before I had it, people from the city would drive up the trail in their brand new four wheel drive vehicles, then when they got to my place on the mountain top they couldn't turn around. I had to turn their vehicles around for them and it was often very difficult. Also, I know now that anyone who comes up that trail had to cut my lock and I can act accordingly.


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.