Thursday, August 7, 2014

Shed Update

Yeah, yeah I know,
two posts in two days, that's a record for me!
But I have to get them done while I can, there is so much busyness around here...

So the shed?

Well, it has been started and is very slowly taking shape.  Hubby only gets to do some work on it on his days off.   He has asked a mate to help him, but to get the right time when they are both free is proving difficult sometimes.  For example next week Hubby has the whole week off and his mate will be away working.  This is not a job that can be done by oneself, especially when it is the first attempt at such a structure.

You can see by the pictures how the shed is progressing J

The beginning...
supports from the main shed, so it will be semi attached.

 Holes have been dug and large pavers placed in the bottom providing a solid base for the post to sit on. Some of the posts have been cemented in the ground.

 Hubby made these two props, I am not sure what to call them.  He used plough discs for the bottoms, scrap pipe for the uprights. The top is made from flat bar, an eight inch bolt, a nut welded to a washer upside down in the piece of pipe for fine adjustment. These will help when they are putting the shed up.

Hubby also made this leveler thingy out of a hose and bits and pieces.  Apparently it is called a "Bunyip" or "water leveler."
This was something he found on YouTube, and it works too! 

Up and down the ladders all day, measuring, leveling and making sure everything was going to plan.

And finally it is starting to take shape J

 The props in use...

Stay tuned, I will keep you posted with the progress...


Today is National Day of Mourning as we remember those lost on MH17.

Some of the shed photos were taken on the day that the Malaysian Airliner MH17 was blown out the sky in Ukraine...Such a senseless act, so tragic and distressing.  Lots of families are now grieving including many Australians.  The following events since that day have been horrific and sadly it is still continuing now :(
We flew our flag at half mast for the day as a mark of respect for the 298 innocent crew and passengers...

Such a crazy mixed up world we live in.  
Please give peace a chance.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that   
we were able to be Bikies for a day, riding around on a friend's Harley Davidson.  He is selling the bike, so we took it for a ride before it is gone J

Hubby now thinks he wants one!



  1. Wow he really looks like he knows what he is doing. Good job!

  2. I love sheds!! Looking forward to seeing yours all finished. If it's like any jobs around here it could take a while! :D It hasn't been a good time for aviation lately has it! I hate flying and seeing it all on the news and elsewhere has certainly put me off flying long haul for a while.xx

  3. Busy busy busy at your place Tania! :)

  4. Wow, that is some shed!!! Lots of work going into that!!
    The lives lost in that airplane was just tragic. Indeed, it is a crazy mixed up world. So senseless!
    XO Kris

  5. It looks as though the shed is certainly coming along, although I'm sure it feels like a snail's crawl to you!

  6. Glad to see the shed taking shape, Tania. What a big job though. A couple who were both doctors in our city of Toowoomba were on the stricken flight. Such a tragedy!

  7. We are very envious, our ramshackle collections of sheds(if you can call them that) pales by comparison. we too hope to build bigger and better, but will have to wait a little longer. All the best with the building project. Cheers,


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