Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Another Year Older

Another birthday has come and gone. 

 My old sunbeam mix master that I love using, but it has been over heating lately so hubby thought it was time for a new one. 
I just need to learn how to use this one now. This gadget is too big to fit in my kitchen cupboard, so it has found a home in my pantry.
The flowers were part of the gift J


  1. That's a nice gift. I think as much as possible, couples should be practical when they do gift giving with each other. I used to give my wife flowers at Valentines Day, but one year two women in my office told me that was cheap and not romantic. So I bought my wife a gold ring. She made me take it back, saying (rightly) that we had better uses for the money.

  2. If only............enjoy your gift.

  3. Now thats a nice mixer! Happy Belated Birthday Tania.

  4. I love thoughtful and practical gifts.

  5. Happy birthday, I am sure you will use it a lot!

  6. What a nice gift Tania! I know you will whip up a lot of good things with that.
    I hope you had a good birthday!
    We did get some rain today and it is still going, gently. Im hoping some came to you as the day went on as well.xxxx

  7. You'll enjoy your mixer. Mine doesn't fit in any cupboard so it stays on the floor next to the fridge with a tea towel over it.


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