Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Home is where the heart is...

Home is where family gather

Home is  
simple morning sunshine

Home is where baking happens

Home is where the garden grows

 Home is where the rooster crows

 Home is where mum is

Home is where friends are welcome

Home is where we relax

and create

Home is my haven where I feel safe.
Home is where I feel content.
Home is my happy place.

 What does your home mean to you?


  1. Beautifully said, I feel the same as you xx Merry Christmas!

  2. A lovely post.
    For me home is about feeling safe. It's a private world. I am surrounded by the outward expression of my own values and heritage. The colours, feel, shapes, sounds, smells, photos, everything has meaning and memories. Often I choose who is there, and not there. If someone offends me then they leave, not me. If my home disappears then I can build it again; it will only look different on the outside.

  3. What a lovely post about home. Home is a place to feel safe, loved, nurtured and at peace. Merry Christmas Tania.
    Anne xx

  4. The cliche is so very true, there is no place like home. And I'm so very happy to be back home with my family xxxx

  5. Beautiful sentiments Tania.

    I have just discovered that I can click on your photos and get the large have some awesome pictures. Loved the sultana biscuit slice. It looks very yum. What is it please?


  6. It is a leftover cereal slice Alexa. It is very yummy. Here is the recipe:

    Cereal Crumb Slice

    2 cups of dried cereal crumbs ( I save them from the bottom of the Weetbix, Weetbix Crunch, Mini Wheats etc and put them in a zip lock bag until I have 2 cups)
    1 cup of any flour(self raising, plain or wholemeal)
    1/2 cup coconut
    2/3 cup of any sugar (brown or white)
    1 cup of any choc bits (Homebrand is good)
    1/2 cup of any dried fruit
    4 oz melted butter or marg
    1 or 2 tablespoons of milk

    Melt butter in microwave or on stove. Add all other ingredients and enough milk to get a slightly moist consistency. Press into lined lamington tin and bake in moderate oven for about 30 minutes. Make up a simple icing (about 1 cup) such as lemon or chocolate and smooth over slice while still warm. Sprinkle with coconut to decorate.


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