Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goanna in the Chook House!

If you look in the background near the roosters head, you will see our little friend the goanna.

 He seems to have settled in around here

 and is quite cheeky and tame.

 Well I am not too happy about this chap being in my chook (Australian for chickens) house!

They are known for eating eggs and baby chickens!

Both of which I have.

We did a head count of the baby chicks and they are all still there.

Not sure about the eggs...

See ya around Mr Goanna J

The chooks are not quite sure what to make of the visitor, they squawked a little but not a red alert squawk!

It is hot here again today and tomorrow, 38 and 39C (100F and 102F). I hope it rains soon and puts the bush-fires out that are raging through the Adelaide hills at the moment.  Twenty six homes have gone up in smoke so far.  No loss of human lives, but devastating to the animal population...


  1. he's only a baby so mostly egg eating & chicks, glad all yours were still there!
    sad about the bushfires too hope they get rain soon

    have a great day!

  2. The bushfires situation is horrible. Massive losses. And this is only the beginning of the really hot dry conditions.
    Here it is wet and not particularly hot at all. Lovely.
    Mr Goanna looks very tame. Keep his tummy full and hopefully he will not eat your chickens. Fix the fence just in case!!
    Really nice photos. You should write some simple children's books about some of this.

  3. It was so hot here we had the sprinkler on for the chooks to stay cool. They loved it. I don't know what you can do about the goanna. Hopefully he won't eat too many eggs stay cool and safe from fires

  4. Hor here too with no rain...

  5. We have a lot of blue-tongue lizards here Tania. They frighten the life out of me sometimes as I think they are snakes at first. It has been raining here and not hot so I hope you get some of it before too long. So much devastation down there. Stay safe!

  6. Maybe you should pay the lizard a tribute of eggs! You have a lot more interesting animals near your place than I do.

  7. Those fires in SA claimed a pet boarding house near where my MIL lives - many animals perished - so sad. The owners lived on site and lost their home too. Now they have the gruelling task of ringing all the pet owners and breaking the sad news - soul destroying stuff.

  8. I think I'd find the little fellow a new home.

  9. It's sunny but very frosty here but I'll not complain as I don't like the sound of theses bush fires! Keep safe :) M x

  10. You've just gotta love the Aussie outback. A goanna casually strolls through the chook house very much at home. I hope you chickens and eggs don't end up as dinner.
    Anne xx

  11. I've just read they hope to contain the fires soon, I really hope they do. I'm not goanna say anything about the goanna goanning into the chook house, cos you've heard it all before!! ;-D

  12. Two posts on your Goanna...he HAS taken up residence, strolling round king of his domain !
    Hope your egg production is still going good and not being purloined by the King.

    Greeting on this wet and soggy Sunday ...it's summer in Sydney - what weather Australia has .


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