Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Well Used Cook Book - Apple Roly Poly

My mum gave me this recipe book way back when, it says 1978 on the cover.  I think it may have been placed in my glory box for when I left home. 

I love these types of tried and true recipes. There are many lovely recipes from ladies that were willing to share their favourites. 

I like to collect these types of recipe books whenever I can. Usually they are sold for fundraising for schools, churches and the like.

This was the main recipe book I used when first starting out on my own.  As you can see it has been well used. Pages are torn, stained and starting to fall out.  I probably should do something about saving it from disrepair before it is too late.

One of my favourite desserts in this book is the Apple Roly Poly recipe.


Rub 2oz butter into 1 cup of SR Flour, add pinch of salt, mix to a stiff dough with some milk.  Roll out and cover with grated apple and sugar.  Roll up and cut into slices 1" thick. Place side by side in pie dish.  Pour over 1 tbspn golden syrup, 1 dspn butter, 1/2 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup of hot water.  Bake until golden brown.

The dough rolled out and
topped with grated apple

 and sugar 
(I also added a sprinkle of cinnamon)

 Rolled up.


 Placed in baking dish.

Syrup added.

Baked until golden.

 Serve with cream or ice-cream, or both. 

Do you have favourite recipe books?  


  1. I love old fashioned recipes, especially those that have been handed down. Thanks for sharing this one, it's going into my recipe folder.
    Anne xx

    1. Me too Anne, hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do.


  2. Hi Tania

    That's a great recipe. I have always made jam roly poly for my husband. The last one was pineapple jam. However I have never cut up the roll and baked it that way, a much better way to serve it. Always learning something new. Thank you.

    1. I haven't made jam roly poly's for so long, I have forgotten what they taste like lol. They do sound yummy though. Pineapple jam on the roly poly's would taste delicious I would think.

      Same here Barb, I am always learning.


  3. My all time favorite type of cookbook!

    Squishy hugs


  4. OMG Yum! I think I might have to give this one a go, love these kinds of recipes I have so many of mums old books like the one you have from around the area, plus mums cookbook which has lots of nanas recipes so cant go wrong :)

    1. Hello Tammie, its great to hear from you.

      If you tried this recipe, your kids will love it. Mine did and still do lol.

      I love eyeing off all your yummy cooking too, I think you may have inherited your Mums and Nanna's cooking genes. Old fashioned cooking is the best, it reminds me of home and the special people there.


  5. Ooh, its SBS night so I reckon I'll make that! The nights are cold and in need or dessert, I think! ;)

    1. Thanks for the reminder about SBS Joolz, I always forget and miss some of the food shows. I have been enjoying Po's new show. Yes desserts are good when it is cold, I always feel like yummy puddings etc in Winter even if they are bad for you...good ole comfort food!


    2. I made the roly poly and it was really yummy! Thats a good quick dessert that you could vary in many ways with different fruits and jams.
      I love Poh's show too, its a real showcase for Adelaide and SA.

      Cheers - Joolz xx

  6. Ah the golf-ball typewriter font - was very up to date back then. We still have recipes from the same era, they get used every week without fail.

    1. Yes Phil, recipes from that era used simple ingredients from the pantry and tasted great, not like the new recipes with a bazillion ingredients I have never heard of lol!

  7. Thank you Tania I love it! Plus this goes with my quest for use it up recipes...and stretch a meal recipes since you could use up tired apples and a desert like this fills out a meal well. I will be making it asap!
    I love old cook books. They usually have simple recipes, simple ingredients, economical and tasty. these tick all the boxes for me. I cannot be bothered with fancy recipes with 20 ingredients some things I dont have, eye of a gnat or some thing, expensive ingredients... ridiculous! Families need food we can manage and afford that is beautiful and this is just the kind of thing! Thank you! xxx

    1. Hope you enjoy the recipe Annabel. Keeping it simple is really the best way, less complication but still tastes delicious!


  8. Tania you've brought back childhood memories. Dessert was non-negotiable in our house, my Dad would've lived on just desserts if he'd been allowed! Mum would make this and we'd have it with custard and ice-cream. We don't do dessert too often, but I think this will be our dessert on Sunday night. I have apples in the fridge I was going to grate into muffins, now they can be roly-poly. Thanks for the recipe and the wonderful memories.

    1. My mum always makes desserts with every meal. I love going to visit my parents just so I can have a really yummy old fashioned dessert. My mum's cooking always tastes better than mine. I tend not to make many desserts here, maybe once or twice a week. Most times though I do finish off a meal with fruit and yoghurt. Hope your family enjoys the roly poly's Cath.


  9. Oh, my heavenly goodness! I've made this before but it was decades ago! I remember it now! Other grate-able fruits are great as well!

    Newest follower here!

    Happy weekend,

    1. Welcome aboard Kelley!

      I haven't tried other fruits with this recipe, but you have sparked my curiosity now :)


  10. It looks scrumptious Tania. I haven't eaten jam roly poly for years and we also used to have it with custard and ice cream or cream if we had it. I have never seen it cut before either, nor have I eaten it with apple, but it looks just lovely this way and very yummy I am sure. Thanks for sharing. A new recipe for the collection. xo

    1. Hope you enjoy Kaye, these roly poly's are easy to make so well worth a try.

      Thank you for dropping by :)


  11. Tania, this and Golden Syrup Dumplings both revive happy memories here. The old fashioned recipes really are the best, aren't they? Mimi xxx

    1. Yes they are indeed Mimi. Golden syrup dumplings are another favourite here, I add lemon juice to mine, and then they are even more delicious.


  12. Oh so delish looking...can almost taste them. Another recipe to old faithful. Thanks Tania

    Love your list of blogs you follow in your side bar. . Some easy reading to do.
    I am tired with a capital T after trying to catch up after three lots of packing and unpacking since Eatser....I'm nearly there and today was a fabulous day for washing. Now just need to catch up ironing....glad I passed by your blog Tania.


    1. Thank you so much for dropping by Alex, I do hope you have had a much needed rest to recharge your batteries.


  13. This looks absolutely scrumptious! I love old recipe books. My favourite is my grandmothers copy of Sheila MacNiven Cameron's The Highlander's Cookbook from 1967. I love it!

    1. So many of our favourites seem to be older recipes. They always remind me of my dear grandmother. I have some of her recipe books and they hold a special place in my heart too.


  14. Ooh now that looks yummy :D I've got a cookbook an Aunt gave me for Xmas in 1976, the old faithful, it's a right state and falling apart. Imagine my surprise when I found the exact same book the other week in an op shop, I bought it of course and the original has been retired

    1. Wow another great family recipe book. So glad that you found another copy Sue. I am hoping to find another copy of the one in this post, but I don't really like my chances.



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