Monday, February 15, 2016

Around Here

Hello dear friends,

I don't know about you, but Summer is such a busy time of year for me, I seem to always have jobs to do. Usually it has something to do with fruit and veggie preservation.

The weather has cooled considerably, so life is so much more pleasant at the moment. It is starting to feel like Autumn, my favourite time of year. However having said that, we are expected to have another hot weekend coming.  Maybe one last burst of heat, one can hope anyway...

Where do I start? So much has happened since my last post.

My computer had been playing up, so hubby has given it a good going over and it seems to be running better now, thank goodness.

We foraged for free food along the sides of the road in the nearby hills.

There is fourteen kilo of peaches in this box.  The green ones we left in the box and covered with an old sheet so they could get some air. They ripened off nicely.

Ripening in the kitchen.

We made lots of jam.

And Cobblers...yum!

 We also picked almonds.
Some of these were green too but they are drying on the racks and taste really good!

 I picked some of our nectarines. The fruit was very small this year, but I did manage to stew and freeze some...

And make some jam.

I was gifted these figs by a friend and 

I made jam!

This is our jam cupboard now!

I gave a jar of our apricot jam for a birthday present.

Playing with Sourdough again.

Veggie pickings

I made some homemade all purpose cleaner,   
and posted about it here.
Just two ingredients!


 Hubby caught a crow.
He brought it to show me and take a photo before releasing it again. 

 Sleepy lizard.

And another!
Watch him climb the step...

The work continues on for the boys.

I made french sticks.

I needed them to make these for our church lunch.

 I tried a new recipe. 
Cinnamon, walnut tea cake. 
I didn't have walnuts so I used chopped almonds instead.
This is a very yummy cake!

A new favourite in this house.
Chocolate Beetroot brownies!

Quiche for lunch today.

 And Apple cobbler for dessert.
If you haven't tried fruit cobbler, you really should, it is so delicious!

And now for the best news of all!

Meet our newest family member, his name is Charlie.
He arrived ten days ago.
A big boy weighing 8lb 15oz!

With my mum (Great Nanna)

Great grand parents.

Big Brother with Mum and Dad.

Blowing kisses.

With me (Nan)

It has been a roller coaster ride, but he is finally here.

Lots of love and cuddles going on J

Wishing you all a blessed week.


  1. Dear Tania, lots and lots of productivity going on in your neck of the woods! ;-) not the least your new addition to the family! He is a gorgeous boy! Congratulations to all. Love Kaye xoxo

    Btw, all your food looks so yummy! :-)

    1. Thank you Kaye, Charlie certainly is a gorgeous boy!


  2. Congrats and welcome to Charlie :)

    I'm surprised that you can harvest almonds - don't almond trees need a lot of water?

    1. Thank you Dani.

      The almonds must get water where we found them. They grow along the side of the road where water lays after rain. The area where we found them gets more rain than we do :)


  3. I love your blog it is such different world to mine, but in other ways the rhythm of life is the same. All your preserves look wonderful I can just see the jams on a nice scone with a pot of tea.

    1. Thank you for your comment LBB. Yes things here are a lot different from your part of the world. I am thankful for the internet and all the wonderful blogs as it connects us with like minded people we probably wouldn't find in real life.

      I intend to make scones as I found some cream on special. The perfect solution for using it up :)


  4. You are having a big time there, first tons of peaches and a new baby. I can see you making peach baby food along with the good vegies.
    How did he catch a crow? Can't get within 100 yards of one here. Amazing!
    Below freezing with sleet and snow today, your hot weather sounds good.

    1. I know SBF, I was surprised about the crow too when I first saw it. Hubby said it was caught by the leg in our wood pile, otherwise there was no way he could catch a crow! We do have a family of crows nesting in one of our trees.

      And your weather sounds good too lol :)


  5. Looks like you folks have been busy with a capital B!

  6. All the very best of life's blessings to lil' Charlie. there is absolutely nothing quite like a new born babe to make you wonder at life again.

    1. You are so right Phil, a baby brings new beginnings for us all :)


  7. A new baby how wonderful congrats to you all!!!!
    My I wish my jam cupboard looked like yours, love all the work you have been doing...

  8. Congratulations to you and your family, grandma. What a beautiful boy Charlie is. Sounds like you're really busy, Tania. Best wishes and love, Rhonda xx

  9. WOW Tania,
    what a busy time you are having. We too have been caught up in that rollercaster of preserving as well. All yours looks delicious.
    Congrats on the safe arrival of little Charlie, what a delight, grandkids are just so wonderful.
    Your cooking all looks so yummy, especially loved your french sticks and what you did with them.
    Take care Tania

    1. Hi Jane,

      Preserving is a lot of effort as you well know, but the reward at the end is so worth it.

      Surprisingly the french sticks are easy to make apart from the time waiting for the dough to rise.


  10. Tania, what a lot of jam you have! Amazing! You certainly picked up a lot of fruit and nuts. Well done. Congratulations on the new bub in your family. What a joy they are.

  11. Congratulations nana! We welcomed our first grand baby this week as well. What a wonderful feeling. You have been busy in the home and garden. Our gardens have been producing as well. But like you I wait for Autumn. The cooler weather is much nicer for working outside in xxx

    1. Thank you Angela and CONGRATULATIONS on your grand baby too...exciting times!


  12. Dear Tania, Congratulations to you all!
    I agree summer is really busy. I love all the fruit and preserving etc but then I am so glad to see autumn as its like a rest in comparison! Your free food and produce and everything you do with it is wonderful. yes, we have to make hay while the sun shines!
    We have been lucky the last few weeks with milder days and even rain... but it looks like we are in for a short patch of hot weather! I hope it doesn't last too long.
    You have had a very productive time and the most productive is a new Grandson!
    Love your updates Tania! With love

    1. Dear Annabel, thank you.

      The veggie garden has been loving the cooler weather, although we haven't had much rain.

      This is the first time we have harvested free food, it was fun and I wish we had done it other years. It was a fair bit of work to preserve the peaches down, but so worth it.


  13. Wow, now that a full on post. Lovely to end with a gorgeous bub. You certainly have been busy.

  14. Hello Lynda,

    Yes life is really busy for me at the moment, that's why my blogging has slowed. I am trying to fit everything in and working part time makes the task just that bit harder.


  15. Oh my goodness, your jam cupboard is something to envy! I've started my jam making, just, with some figs off Mum's tree. It's loaded, just waiting for them to ripen. I've also picked the first apple of the year off our tree. And the usual garden work, but I haven't been as busy as you've been. Your new grandson is just gorgeous, baby boys are beautiful and grow into happy little helpers that are a joy to have around. Blessings you to you all. Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. Yes Cath the cupboard is well and truly full. I have had to find another cupboard for the preserves as I will have some beetroot to pickle soon.

      Thank you for your lovely comment.


  16. Dear Tania,
    All of your jam looks yummy! I love all of the almonds and those are fun pictures of the lizard. Ok, the best for last...becoming a nan again for you! Congratulations, what a beautiful baby boy! Thank you for sharing all of the pictures of your family. I pray God's blessings for you and yours.
    Colette xxx

    1. Thank you so much Colette, Charlie is definitely a blessing to our family.


  17. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson Charlie! He is so handsome. :) You have been so busy between your gardening, preserving and now spending time with that precious little do you do it all?

    1. Sometimes I wonder how I do it all Debbie, in between other jobs as well. I will always have time for little Charlie, he is a real treasure.



  18. Congratulations on Charlie, enjoy all those cuddles. Your produce is amazing and I love seeing what you make with it. No fear of a shortage of jam in your place!

    1. Thank you so much. Definitely no shortage of jam. We have been enjoying the jam for afternoon Devonshire teas.


  19. Congratulations on the arrival of gorgeous little Charlie. What joy he will bring to you all. Love the progressive pics of the darling lizard. I love to watch them moving around. I'm hearing you regarding this being the busiest time of the year as it is for me too. Isn't it glorious to glean all of that produce? Such a gift.

    1. Hello Sally, thank you for your kind words.

      It is a lot of work, but preserving is a very satisfying hobby, and the busyness is only here for a short time of the year.


  20. Tania, how exciting to have a grandbaby! Congratulations Nan! He looks like a lovely, serene baby and I hope that's the reality! Your fruit and nut haul is impressive as always. I can only hope to emulate that next year with my own fruit trees. Well done on the jam cupboard. and gorgeous breakfasts for a year there! Much love, Mimi xxx

  21. Oh wow! Congratulations, I only just read your post! How lovely. He's a big bouncing baby!

  22. Oh wow, such exciting news!! Congratulations to the parents, grandparents and great nanna!!

  23. Congratulations on that new baby boy! He's absolutely gorgeous!
    And the foodie pica? Oh my, but it all looks so good!
    It sure sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy, but I'm grateful that you took the time to comment on my latest post.

  24. I found your blog through the traffic source on my blog. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tania. How exciting that you can forage for goodies where you live. Kudos. I have two lizards in my garden who scurry whenever they see me. They're so cute and I'm happy to have them eat any bug they see. Congrats on the new baby. I'm assuming 'nan' means grad mother? Stay safe. Angie

  25. Congratulations on the addition to the clan. That's a big event in everyone's lives.
    As always , I am impressed with your food gathering. There's not a lot we can harvest here in the mountains in the way of vegetables and fruit, so I envy you that.

    Really enjoyed the lizard pictures. He looks like a poisonous lizard we have here in our South West called a "Gila Monster."

  26. Hello Tania,

    Your summer is coming to an end and ours is just beginning. All the jams you made this summer look so good and inspires me for the busy season we have ahead of us. When we lived in Texas we had a fig tree and I'd make fig jam every summer ... the climate in eastern Montana isn't conducive to fig trees and I miss the jam something terrible.
    Congratulations on your newest grandson, Charlie. He is beautiful and I know he will bring an immense amount of joy to your family.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.