Saturday, January 7, 2017

the storm

The 28th day of December 2016 was a day to remember.  

Around 6pm a big storm cell passed through our area. Along with the strong winds was a lovely big lot of rain. 

54mm in 20 minutes kind of rain.

Hubby was up on the roof fixing our TV aerial from the previous nights strong winds, when he called to me "to come take a look at the weather approaching, and bring your camera". 

I am not one for heights, but I put on my big girl boots and bravely climbed the ladder and up onto the roof.  

The view was amazing from there, and here are the pictures to prove it.

We have a new flag up now. The winds ripped this one to threads.

Worried about her mum.

We had planned a night out to dinner, but the storm delayed us a little.  We did head off in the commodore, but didn't get far down the road when had to turn around and come back to get the four wheel drive. Going down the road we couldn't see in front of us and although we did pull off the road, we didn't feel that it was too safe to do so in case we sank and became bogged. 
So home we came. 
The rain was so heavy and the roads flooded quickly so there really was no option but to take our other vehicle instead.

We had just pulled up in our driveway, when this happened!
(click and the video will appear)

This is what we found when arriving at the hotel where we were dining. It had subsided quite a bit by the time we got there.

This is the main shopping area.

After all the wind, rain with a touch of hail, and dinner, the sky turned into another beautiful sight, especially the sunset.

Then it was gone.

I heard the storm was pretty wide spread.   

Did you get it in your neck of the woods?


  1. We had some bad ones this year, but not in my area, thankfully. Glad you're still amongst the living!

    1. Although a bit scary at the time, I am still in awe of the fury of mother nature sometimes. Yes we get to live another day and tell another story. God is good.

  2. Happy New Year, Tania -

    What a storm! I am so glad to hear y'all weathered it without any significant damages.

    I also want to thank you for the inspiring New Year post, it is utterly lovely.

    Blessings to you and yours,

    1. Thank you so much Mrs. B. I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed my previous post. Sometimes the simplest ones are the best. I am hoping to post more like that one throughout this year :)

      I am a thinking that you possibly would have worse storms than this one. They are not that common where we live, so always post worthy :)


  3. We are still hopeful of getting some rain. I could do without the wind conditions you went through. The photos of the approaching storm are pretty amazing.

    1. Thank you Jane. Hope your get some rain soon :)


  4. Good photos Tania! That must have been intimidating seeing that storm approaching! We didn't see anything like that but we were hit pretty hard. It was a big year for storms and the aftermath.
    I hope tonight it is not an electrical storm as while I cant wait for a cool change the lightening starting a fire is our concern. I just realised it must be even hotter up there. Last night was a shocker! xxx

    1. Dear Annabel,

      We actually thought this storm was going to miss us. It started to head down towards Adelaide direction which often happens. But this time it didn't miss!

      43C here today! I am spending time inside, doing what I like as I am home alone. Yes last night was awful!

      Phil has put guards over our down pipes in case it rains. We do not want ash in our tanks. They are full of water, so it wont matter to miss out on a bit of water. It is blowing up ash again today although headed north this time, so not on us.


  5. What wild weather, Tania. Great photos of the approaching storm. Storms like these really remind me that nature is so powerful, in all her beauty and fury. Meg:)

    1. It definitely was wild Meg. It brought down lots of trees around town as well and hubby has been going around collecting the wood for winter.

      Have a lovely weekend,


  6. WOW, I probably would have chickened out of driving in that weather! Big storms are so beautifully powerful, even though they do generally leave a trail of destruction.

    1. It was a bit hair raising driving out in it Cheryl. We probably wouldn't have bothered but it was my daughters last day here before flying home to Sydney and we had pre-booked to go out. Lucky the power stayed on :)

      Enjoy your weekend,


  7. Amazing pictures.
    So much rain. That's Australia isn't it.
    Droughts and flooding rains!
    Glad your all made it home safe and sound xxx

  8. Certainly is Australia Angela. Sometimes four seasons in one day!


  9. What a storm, Tania! We have lots of those in Queensland too but thankfully most of them bypass us. I was hoping you would get off that roof quick smart :-)

    1. I was safe Nanna Chel ~ smiles

      It is not something I like to do though, but it was worth it for the photos I captured. Phil usually takes them from up there for me.


  10. Wow looks like that storm might have dropped a tornado but you might not get them in your climate. We have 4 or 5 inches of snow this morning.

    1. Although not tornado country, we have been known to have a few similar type storms. This was one of them.

      Snow in your part of the world, hot sun in ours :)

  11. Hello Tania, thanks for the lovely comment you left me over on my blog. Just popping by to pay you "a visit". Your blog is a wonderful place too but gosh that storm .... so glad you were safe. Your countryside is so wild & beautiful though - your photos are great & captured it all wonderfully. Happy New Year to you Tania - look forward to many more visits. So glad I found you here. Julie x x

    1. Welcome Julie, so glad to hear you dropped in on my blog. I have been enjoying browsing yours, you have rekindled my passion for all things crafty :)

      The contrast from our countryside to yours is immense. I am loving seeing your pretty landscape also.


  12. Amazing! The big tree in your video had me was expanding and contracting like a concertina.

  13. I love the way you described the tree Phil. That is exactly what it look like!

    And that big tree stood firm! Lost a lot of its leaves though, but didn't come crashing down like many others in the town.


  14. That storm was fierce! I am so glad you did not get more damage!


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