Wednesday, January 24, 2018

simple days at home

I am taking in a new view for my early morning walk. A change of scenery is good.

A clean and tidy pantry. Nothing fancy, just in order.

Home made muesli.
A bit of this and that. I start with about four cups of rolled oats and add a bit of everything else. You can stir through some molasses or honey if you like. I don't toast mine because I feel it kills any nutrients that may be in the food. I prefer as natural as possible. The muesli is served with fresh fruit for a delicious wholesome breakfast.

On the shelf.

Any one for tea?

Daisy love.

Rescued chrysanthemums.

The mother in law tongue has multiplied.

Our place to keep cool.





Lemon grass.

Cucumber vine.

Home made multi purpose miracle spray.

And laundry detergent.

Fresh smelling laundry.

A visit from my grandson...and his guitar.

On the window sill.

Gifted figs.

A very lucky thrift shop haul, with quite a bit of vintage amongst it.

This pretty little dress was tucked in with the fabric. I am hoping to finish it off for my grand daughter to wear later on. It just needs the neck done, and I am thinking a white collar maybe? Suggestions welcome.

 Love the smocking and tiny grub roses.

Vintage table cloth.

This is a single sheet set and will be made into something pretty.

And thank you Julie for recommending this most delicious Lemon Drizzle cake. This is so bad, but oh so GOOD! The recipe can be found here.

How is your week going? Are you doing something special for Australia Day?

It is will be too hot here for any celebrations. We will go to the early morning breakfast in the park, then hide ourselves away for the day.



  1. We don't celebrate Australia Day as it is hopeless trying to get a park at any of the city celebrations and my DH wasn't born here and also never cooks at Barbies so we don't bother not that I don't appreciate all the blessings of our beautiful country. I don't think it was a public holiday when I was growing up so I am not really into all the celebrations. Love all your photos, Tania. I think I see some new to you soap moulds there :-)

    1. We dont really celebrate Australia day either Nanna Chel. To me everyday is Australia day, I love this beautiful country we live in.

      Well spotted. I finally found some flower moulds for soap for 20c!


  2. Lovely!
    I am no fashionista but what about a pink collar.
    What are you going to do with the figs? love them.

    1. Hello there M.E. Masterson,

      I agree that a pink collar would look good too.

      The figs were stewed and we have just eaten the last of them tonight for dessert. I love them too! I didn't get enough for jam or drying this year.


  3. My grandmother had a hen butter dish like that, I have seen some in different colors over the years.
    We finally got above freezing but it is a good while before planting anything so I enjoyed looking at your summer plants.

    1. Hi Sunnybrook Farm,

      I like the country look of the hen dish as soon as I saw it.

      Very hot here at the moment, it is supposed to break heatwave records this weekend. Not looking forward to it. My garden may not look the same afterwards.


  4. Love all the photos of your everyday life. Here in central Illinois we've had such cold snowy weather but it may get up to 37 F today so out the laundry will go! Otherwise I must dry it on a rack behind our rocket mass stove. It works but outdoors smells so much better!

    1. Welcome Donna, it is so nice to hear from you.

      I love the smell of fresh laundry that has been dried on the line. There are not many days here that I cant dry clothes outdoors. Very blessed with lots of sunshine during all seasons.


  5. Great bargain hunting
    Australia Day will be spent resting. I have a 21st to go to that night

    1. Sounds like a good plan Angela, reckon I might do the same.


  6. Beautiful photo's Tania.
    Oh my there is about $50 worth of Fig's there, they are so expensive up our way, even at the markets, I pay $1 each for them!

    1. Thank you Cheryl.

      Figs are very expensive, I couldn't believe the price when I saw them in the local supermarket.


  7. Love your thrift shop finds, Tania. I found a gorgeous piece of old linen at an antique shop yesterday and a few linen tea towels at an op-shop. For just a few $, I came away with some beautiful fabric to sew and stitch on. I like your daisy happy and bright! Meg:)

    1. Hi Meg,

      We went thrift shopping again today and found a few more vintage items. There was so much at one place we went to I couldn't make up my mind what to buy.

      I happened to be in the right place, right time for the haul pictured. It is a little op shop in a small country town nearby, and the prices are dirt cheap, just as they should be :)


  8. Love your photos. The daisy pillow is beautiful.
    I'm curious- do you keep eggs in the pantry? I've always kept eggs in the fridge. Mine are store bought eggs though.

    1. Hi there Nil,

      Those eggs in the pantry were collected from my chickens. They have been laying really well. I have given most of those ones away but the remainder are now in the fridge where they will keep for a long time. I have had some in the fridge since well before Christmas and they are still usable. In cooler weather they are fine kept in the pantry.


  9. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing with us. I particularly liked the photo of the cutlery in the jars and also the soap in the metal soap holder for doing the dishes. I also have one of those . The little dress for your grandie will look darling once you finish it.

    1. Thank you Karen.

      As you can see I am a collector of vintage treasures, and I do try and use most of what I collect.


  10. What a truly lovely post and photos. Love it all, Tania.

    1. Thank you so much Gerda.

      Welcome to you!


  11. I see the Ovaltine - a kindred spirit :) I love the jug full of utensils.

    1. Ovaltine has been a favourite of mine since childhood, it is a necessity in my pantry :)


  12. Happy Australia Day Tania! We celebrated by making biscuits, shaped like Australia. Now we're just kicking back, doing our own things. It's hot enough for it! ;)

    Your garden is looking very productive.

    1. Australia day biscuits, I am intrigued Chris :)

      I haven't baked anything this year although I have a pavlova leftover from Christmas so might decorate that up later for dessert.

      The garden isn't too bad considering the heat, but not sure how it will go over the next couple of days of extreme temperatures.

      Happy Aussie day to you and your family,


    2. Just so you know, I wrote my biscuit post, before you commented about your Pav, lol. My post was meant to be light-humoured. ;)

  13. What a great op shop haul! The sheet with the little clusters of roses is just heavenly! The smocked dress.... my girls had these... usually a white collar with a small frill of the floral edging that or piping of the floral edging it and a grub rose matching the other embroidery. You may not have the spare fabric to do the edging so just a matching rose would do or even plain will still be beautiful. It is just lovely and I think beautiful that you can complete it!
    All your garden and produce looks wonderful. I think I will have figs soon too from the farm. Probably best if not yet until I deal with what I have!
    Your pantry is fantastic Tania! With love

    1. Dear Annabel,

      Thank you for the advice on the little smocked dress. I am hoping to start on it shortly when I make up my mind with what to do with the collar. I love your ideas and will be taking them on board!

      Hope you have a lovely weekend,


  14. You found some beautiful things and that little dress is adorable. I think a simple white color would really set it off nicely. :) I was wondering, do your use your hot tub to cool off in (unheated of course) in the hot weather? My husband and I do. In fact, I think we may actually use it more to cool off during hot weather than we do to warm up during the cold weather months. :)

    1. Dear Debbie,

      I am thinking white for the collar for the little dress too.

      As for the hot tub (spa), it is used as a cool tub in our hot weather. We only use it during Summertime. We did have a swimming pool but not any more, so this has taken its place.


  15. A little white or pale pink peter pan collar would look so cute on that little dress. That daisy pillow would lovely on my bed. When you make up that owl quilt please show it. Beautiful photos.

    1. Dear Jane,

      If you an crochet, those little daisy grannies are quite easy. I was surprised how good the cushion looked when finished. I think the way I joined the squares made all the difference, they are crocheted together instead of sewn. It certainly brightens a room.


  16. Did I tell you before that I do love your blog, your posts and your pictures???!?!??? Take care and enjoy your time!


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.