Tuesday, January 15, 2019

sugarless date and coffee log ~ simple and extremely delicious!

Hello friends,

This recipe was given to me by my mum.  Now because this cake is so nice,  I felt you all would love to know about it. Our family favourite is sure to become a favourite of yours too J

Oh, and there is no sugar! That is good thing right?


Date and coffee log

2 cups of chopped pitted dates
1 cup of strong black coffee (I used 2 teaspoon of coffee)
1 heaped cup of SR flour
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts

Place dates in medium bowl and cover with hot coffee. Cover and let stand for three hours. Add SR flour and walnuts to the date mixture.  Stir until combined. Spoon into log tin and bake 30 minutes at 170C (150C fan forced) or until cooked. Leave in tin to cool.  Slice and serve with butter. YUM!

If you make this cake I would love to know what you think of it?

See you soon,



  1. I think I will give this a go with GF flour and see what happens! It looks really good! xxx

    1. I hope the GF flour works for you Annabel, you seem to have success with your recipes using it, so I don't see why not :)


  2. Tania it looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. now that is something I can eat & it looks truly scrumptious!
    thanx for sharing

  4. I love dates so this looks like a "must try" for me. No sugar is all the better! Glad you shared.

    1. Hope you will like this cake Leigh, I am sure you will!

  5. Sounds very yummy. I’ll add it to my list of it won’t break the diet treats
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Lol Angela. I restrict myself to one piece a day, which is very difficult to do!

  6. That sounds fabulous! Thanks for the recipe. I can see how the dates would make it sweet.

  7. that looks like an amazing recipe! will have to try it.

  8. Oh yummy! I will try and modify this to be gluten free.

    1. I hope the cake works out for you Chris :)

  9. This looks so delicious Tania. I am going to print it off & have a go at making it this weekend I think. This will be great for my grandsons as their Mums like them to not have too much sugar!

    1. For the few ingredients Julie, this is a surprisingly delicious cake! It is really moist :)

  10. Yeah I have dates at home and I didn’t know what to do with them. They were a gift. Now I have your lovely recipe.
    Next thing when I come back from holidays would be to try it.

    1. Good luck with the recipe Ale, hope you have success with it.

      Thank you for saying hello :)

  11. Hi Tania

    I just saw this on the side of Annabel's blog and how timely it was as I am looking for recipes without sugar. This looks divine and I shall be giving this ago in the next week. Thanks for sharing. I will be sure to add you to my list to follow


    1. Hope you enjoy this cake as much as I do Aly, let me know how you go :)

    2. Hi Tania

      Sorry a few things got in the way of making this cake but at the moment it is in the oven baking (finally) It does smell delicious. I left out the nuts due to a nut allergy in the family. Will let you know how it goes.


  12. Looks like my kind of recipe. No sugar is brilliant. I will certainly be trying this one. Many thanks for sharing. Hope you are managing to stay as cool as possible during this incredible heat. Cheers, Jo

    1. The moment I sampled this cake, I knew I would be sharing it here. I haven't been able to find a recipe the same on the internet so that makes it even more special.

      The heat is relentless Jo. It is the plants and animals I feel sorry for, at least I have air conditioning. Today was cool, but we are hotting up tomorrow and will be in the mid 40's again next week! Blah!

      Have a great week,


    2. Today was so much better. We came home yesterday through dust storms and strong winds...very unpleasant and so very hot. You are right about the plants and animals really suffering...my poor veggies are looking sad. Hopefully your new garden enclosure is helping keep your plants going. I am certainly learning which of my garden plants are "drought resistant". I have used lots and lots of pea straw mulch and that seems to be keeping the soil temp slightly lower.... but we all need rain. Keeping the bird baths full is about the best I can do...lots of birds spending quite a bit of time dipping in! It is great being able to comment now. Many thanks for sorting that out. Can't wait to try that cake. Cheers, Jo

  13. That does look good, Tania. Thanks for the recipe :-)
    Mary (from the Tuesday Aft. Club)

  14. Dates, coffee, walnuts - the best flavors, all together! Sounds wonderful. I bought a box of dates at Christmas and if I don't make something like this I will just snack them all away...

    1. Dates are like that. They are so tasty it is hard to stop eating them :)

      Have a nice day GretchenJoanna,


  15. I have the dates soaking in strong coffee, & in 3 hrs I shall start cooking in my hot hot kitchen. Crazy me.

    1. I hope you liked the cake Virgo baby. Thank you for dropping by :)

  16. Oh my goodness, but this looks so good! I wonder if it would change the texture, if I used ground up or chopped nuts??? My husband has no teeth, and won't eat anything crunchy. Or... I could just make it for myself, when he's not looking! Yeah... there's a thought!

    1. Even better Kate, make one for you and one for him! I cant see why you couldn't chop the nuts very finely, it should work :)


  17. This cake looks wonderful and I just found some chopped dates on clearance so I will be trying this for sure. I saw your pin cushions on Annabel's blog, I really like them. You inspire me to make some! Get better soon!

    1. Thank you for dropping by LaurieS. Good luck with the cake and the pin cushions :)

  18. Sounds yummy. Think I will try this with spelt flour.

    1. Let me know how the cake goes using spelt flour Brigie, I am interested in how other flours will go with this recipe :)

  19. Well Tania

    After all this time I finally got around to making this wonderful loaf and sort of wish I had not sent so much of to work with DP it was so yummy and he could not believe there was no added sugar in it.....he has already asked for more so I guess this is very much a winner.


    1. Wow that's great to hear Aly. It is a fantastic recipe and I knew I had to share it.

      Thank you for the feedback, it is very much appreciated.


  20. This recipe sounds ideal, but have to ask one question, is a log tin what in the US is called a loaf tin? Could you post the dimensions of the tin, please?

    1. A loaf tin would be perfect for this cake Mary, it is the same as a log tin :)

      Thank you for dropping by,

  21. Loved your recipe Tania- delicious!! I made mine in small muffin pans to have a healthy snack ready in the freezer instead of biscuits.
    Well, wouldn't you know it, my hubby came in and sampled one, told me he loved them so now I'll have to cook double!!!
    They'll be a staple in my home now. I love your blog and think your drought tolerant garden is amazing. Best wishes, Lorraine 💁

    1. Somehow I thought I had deleted your comment Lorraine. Sorry for not responding earlier. I have been inundated with a huge amount of anonymous comments and it is frustrating to have to sort through them.

      I am so glad to hear you tried and liked this recipe Lorraine. I must try making muffins with the mix also, sounds like yours were quite successful. Thank you for the positive feedback.

      Have a lovely day,


  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Hello again Tania I've just been going through some of your back posts and really enjoying your blog. I see how you and your hubby are near vegan and I would love to include more vegetarian meals in our diet. I saw a post with a yummy pic of vegetarian lasagne and wondered if you have ever posted the recipe. Please could you share the recipe if possible. Hope the weather is cooler for you, all my best wishes, Lorraine

    1. I found a really good recipe for lasagne Lorraine. It is delicious and I will be making it again very soon.

      Recipe (and quick video) is here https://www.wearesovegan.com/the-ultimate-lasagne/ (you can change the ingredients to non vegan if you want).



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