Thursday, May 9, 2019

one cup tea loaf ~ no egg, sugar or butter

Hello friends,

Today I was searching out some wartime/ration recipes and stumbled across this recipe.  Except NOW for the life of me, I cant seem to find it.  So that means that I have to rely on my memory, hopefully it doesn't let me down...I love easy cheap recipes! 

The title of this post says no sugar because I didn't put any in although the recipe did say to add it. In my opinion the loaf tastes fine without it. If you like sweetness, by all means add sugar.

*If my memory serves me correct the recipe said you could add an egg and or milk if the mixture was too dry, but this wasn't a problem for me because I used a mug of tea rather than a standard cup. 

So here is the recipe;

One Cup Tea Loaf

1 cup of dried fruit (I used 1/4 cup each of out of date chopped apricots, chopped dates, currants, sultanas. I also added a bit of lemon rind)
1 cup of tea (I used a mug)
1 cup of sugar (I did not add sugar at all)
2 cups of SR Flour (I used 1/4 cup wholemeal and 1 3/4 cup white)
mixed spice

Soak dried fruit in the tea overnight. (I did this for a couple of hours).

Once the fruit has plumped up and the water cooled, add the flour (and sugar if you are using, I think it is not needed because of the sweetness of the fruit). Also add in a sprinkling of mixed spice.

Mix well and place in loaf tin.

Bake in 180C oven for 20-30 minutes or until ready when skewer comes out clean. 

Remove from oven and let sit in tin for ten minutes before turning out onto rack.

Serve sliced with butter...yummo!

Soaking dried fruit in tea.

 The finished loaf.

 Delicious with a spread of butter.




  1. Wow! It's beautiful! Thanks for the healthy recipe, Tania.

    1. You are welcome Stephenie. I love to share simple, easy and cheap recipes etc. The cheaper the better!


  2. Hi, your tea loaf sounds wonderful!! The recipe reminded me of the crazy cake recipe I found that also has no eggs, milk, butter or mess !! It's on the blog There are 3 different versions that are really yummy! I so enjoy your blog you always have wonderful ideas...have a wonderful day. ..Gaila in the NW

    1. Hi Gaila, I am so happy to hear from you.

      I must check out that other recipe you suggest. I have enjoyed Jes's blog over the years, so many great ideas. Just had a peek and found the one you are talking about. Thank you so much.


  3. That does sound super easy and looks good, with some butter on I'm sure that does the trick.

    1. Oh yes, must have butter. Nice with marmalade too!


  4. I used to make a similar cake years ago, Tania. It was yummy and very moist. I never bake these days though apart from making sourdough. I would probably eat the whole cake. LOL! Too tempting having it around.

    1. Hi Nanna Chel, I know I should not bake either, and I try not to all that much. Some days I just get the urge, so find a simple recipe to make. Hubby eats the cake at work, so all good because I don't consume much that way lol!


  5. I'm going to pass this recipe to my vegetarian sister. Thanks Tania.

    1. Hope your sister likes the cake Nil :)


  6. Oh I remember that cake recipe! It looks delicious, will have to try it again.

    1. It is a great recipe! I love ones like this, so simple, cheap and delicious!


  7. I make this but no sugar. The dried fruit give it its sweetness
    I use three cups of each.

    1. It definitely doesn't need sugar. I cant believe the recipe said one cup! It would have been so sweet. Now you can taste the flavours and not the sugar :)


  8. during wartime they wouldn't've had those extra items, luxury items they would've been called; as many items were rationed,
    am guessing your recipe would be closer to the wartime recipe anyway; sounds & looks delicious
    thanx for sharing

  9. Hi Selina, you are right, there was probably a shortage of eggs and milk, so if mixture was too dry, just add a bit more water. I never had this problem because it was moist enough. It goes to prove you can make things with just very basic ingredients and if you are short of money in today's world, this a great frugal recipe.


  10. I make a cake very similar only I use iced coffee instead of tea and sugar. This is the only fruitcake I make. At Christmas I put some rum, nuts and more cherries in it. I was given this recipe about 30 years ago....I am going to give yours a try..

    1. Hello Mandy, so good to hear from you.

      I shared on my blog an even more delicious cake recipe recently. It is made with coffee, dates and flour. The cake is so moist whereas this one while nice is not as moist.


  11. That looks quite yummy, Tania. Isn't it amazing what you can create with just a few simple ingredients. I sometimes think, with all the froth of fancy cooking shows and contests, that the expectation is sometimes now that food has to be complicated. Simple like this is still the best, I think. Meg:)

    1. Hi Meg,

      I am not a fan of complicated recipes and do not watch any cooking shows because most of the ingredients are not contained in my pantry. My pantry is an old fashioned one with just the basics just like my grandma would have used.

      Simple is definitely best, I agree wholeheartedly!


  12. That look delicious! I'm gonna try making it like you did...w/o the sugar. Thanks for the recipe, Tania xxMaryB

    1. Hello Mary, so glad you cam to visit.

      Hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I do. I find sugar far too sweet now days since cutting it back. There is a lot more flavour in the recipes without all the sugar added in. I cut down to half the measurement or cut it out completely.



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