Friday, June 7, 2019

the orchard ~ part two

Hello again friends,

Once the cold morning had warmed up a bit I went outside to do some more work in the orchard.

Firstly I want to share some photos of the beautiful sky we had today, this one with The Flinder's Ranges in the background.

The last leaves of Autumn...

Mid afternoon...

I had a few bits of wood laying around so I made up this seat. I will look further for a log of similar size as it wasn't quite level. This is at the back of the veggie patch and will be a great spot to sit and watch the sun go down.  I can envisage a fire pit out here also. 

Remember the red back spider I mentioned in my last post? Well here she is...

I added some leaves, manure {horse and chicken}, straw and clippings to a couple of the compost bins, and gave them a good water.

Then I started picking up a few old bricks in the wheelbarrow and carting them back to the orchard.  These get used for making borders around the fruit trees. I only managed a couple of loads as I didn't want to aggravate my leg so soon after the treatment.

Then it was time to put some manure around the orange tree.

While I was doing this I got to you do when you are in the garden ~ smiles

I have been wondering about how I can use the water from rain a bit better so it will benefit the fruit trees. I came up with the idea to dig dirt out of the pathways and lay small rock {or something similar} down to keep in the moisture.  Surely this would help the trees a bit more...

Hubby came out to see what I was up to and I mentioned my idea to him. So he suggested that if I make the paths wider {just over a metre} then he could use the dingo digger to dig the dirt out for me. Now wont that make life easier?

So the rest of the afternoon was spent moving the pathways to make them wider!

I had to relocated this little seat to a new spot. 

Another peaceful place to sit and ponder...

I made a lot of progress and still have a fair bit to go, but if I do a little each day, or when I can,  it will get done.

Needless to say, my muscles are letting me know that I have used them and I definitely wont have trouble sleeping tonight.

Another cold one tonight followed by another gorgeous day tomorrow. I am enjoying the sunshine and getting jobs done while the weather is so nice. We are having a run of warmish days coming up next week.  I work Monday and Tuesday and we will be in Adelaide Wednesday and Thursday so not a lot will happen around here next week. Making good use of my time this week will pay off.

So on that note I will say good night and see you all soon,



  1. looks wonderful..and so gratifying to get done..we live in a very dry area that gets minimal rainfall as well and I have been contemplating digging narrow trenches around the yard in various spots so that they fill up with water when it eventually rains..our soil is has to get creative to keep a garden thriving..

    1. I am always thinking about new ways to beat the dryness we have here. Over the years I have tried many things, and this may be just another thing to try. I do hope it works though, because my water bill was sky high from all the watering to keep things alive through the drought!

      I am glad I am not the only one that battles dry conditions Raylene. Sounds like we think along similar lines.


  2. Your orchard is looking great Tania. I've noticed more redbacks than usual this year and I am sure they are bigger too. Tim was bitten by one in 2013 and it is a fate I would not wish on anyone, he was so sick.
    I hope you get to enjoy many moments on your new garden seat. Looks like a lovely spot to be.

    1. I've known people who have been bitten by a redback also and it is definitely not something I want to go through. I am very careful around the yard, always vigilant regarding spiders, snakes and other nasties.

      When there is a nice sunset I will take a photo from my garden seat.


  3. That is looking amazing! Any wonder you're a bit tired Tania! Mimi xxx

  4. I like the wider paths...and collecting the maximum amount of rainfall sounds like a great idea

    1. I hope this experiment works...will keep you posted. Could take a while, by the time it is dug out and the rain comes.


  5. Women are funny creatures. You said next Monday and Tuesday you are working. I assume you are referring to paid work? You have been doing some hard labour these past few days in the garden, but we don't regard it as being "work" do we? Robyn S.A

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Well spotted...I picked up a few hours work that technically I do for my daughter while she is raising her youngens. I took over when she became pregnant. She is able to take it back at anytime. On the other hand I work around here all the time and yes it is not classed as work lol!



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