Sunday, May 10, 2020

around here last week

The oregano has been dried and put away for another year. I am hoping to pick some more before winter arrives next month.

The veggie patch...

The new veggies are slow to grow this time of year.

I have popped in some strawberry runners from my parents place. I don't seem to be able to grow these very well, but I keep trying. Fingers crossed they are successful this time.

Mixed lettuce.

Baby spinach.

Teeny tiny beetroot.

Mini cabbages.

I trimmed the lemon verbena and hoping I can start some more plants from cuttings.

Baby quandongs appearing.

Fresh from the patch...

Beans, tomatoes, capsicum and radish.

Kale, silver beet, capsicums, cucumber, beans.

Mixed lettuce leaves, baby spinach, radishes and figs.

A mixed combo of mum's and my capsicums.

In the kitchen...

A change in my diet again to cut down on refined carbs {white flours etc}, sugar, salt and oil. I have a few stomach issues and am trying to figure out what is causing the upset. It seems to be a matter of eliminating food and then adding back in to see what is affecting me. I am starting to feel a lot better, so something is working.

So it was very healthy food prepared in the kitchen, remembering to add protein to most meals.

Beetroot black bean burgers made and in the freezer for later. I have eaten a couple of these and they are quite nice.

Marinated tofu and salad.

I crushed some tomatoes for putting into meals and froze them until needed.  Roughly the same size as a can, minus all the sugar and salt.

Chocolate chia puddings.

Recipe ~ In a high speed blender {like nutri-bullet}, blend 3 medjool dates, 1 cup of almond milk, 1 tablespoon of cocao. Add to a 1/4 cup of chia seeds and give a good stir, put in some small pretty bowls then sit in fridge to set. A delicious healthy dessert!

Eating a rainbow. This was hubby's plate for lunch, to which he added some tuna.

Around home...

Browsing old magazines.

May 1958.

 Knitting a pair of socks.

 Another honey collection, because the bees are doing so well.

The big bright moon. I believe it was a super moon, and pretty spectacular!

Just coming over the hills in the distance.

And then...

Things are returning to some kind of normal. I have my 16 year old grandson back staying with me through the week so he can attend high school. Traveling around our own state is now allowed, more numbers allowed at funerals etc.  Some sport activities and restaurants, cafes etc are allowed to resume once again with certain rules. Still practicing social distancing in all we do.

Before C-19 we were planning a big two month trip to Queensland.  It was supposed to happen May/June this year but we had to put it off for now and cancel half of the holidays. We might decide to travel to places within South Australia, but we will see, as it will be in June and cold.

How was your week?

See you all soon,


  1. That's encouraging that things are getting more back to normal there. I hope you are able to enjoy some traveling. Sometimes local trips can be fun, too. I know how you feel. I had a cruise planned from Los Angeles down the coast. We were supposed to stop in San Francisco and Vancouver. Everything shut down, so no cruise. But, some of the trails here in California have reopened, so we went for an amazing hike last night. The last several weeks made it so much more exciting. Our bike trails were also open today. A 6:30 a.m. ride with my Labradoodle was so much fun. It really makes me appreciate the freedom to explore and be out in nature.

    1. So glad you are able to use the trails once again. My son is talking about getting a Labradoodle, so I may have another grand dog soon.

      Sorry to hear you have missed out on your trip too. There are plenty of beautiful places we can visit within our state, so will probably do that.

      Have a great week Stephenie,

  2. Love the chia pudding idea...must try it!

    1. Hope you enjoy the pudding, it really is delicious. I have one sitting in the fridge calling my name right now lol!


  3. I’d love the pattern for the socks they are going to look great with that yarn
    I want to go and plant things but right now it’s just so wet out there I need gills
    Our restrictions are all still in place so not unnecessary trips. I guess that means Bunnings
    Hope your digestive issues clear

    1. Are you still getting rain Angela? You must be certainly washed out by now!

      If the digestive issues hang around, it will be back to the doctor so they can try and find the cause by way of an endoscopy.


  4. Love the abundance in this post Tania. Your seedlings are coming along well! Digestive grumbles are not fun. I hope you find the culprit soon! Mimi xxx

    1. Thank you for your encouragement Mimi.


  5. Your capsicums look great and also the chocolate pudding..who doesn't love a healthy chocolate pudding. My 16 year old went back to school this morning so he was looking forward to some class room learning and seeing his friends after 6 weeks. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. I think the kids are missing their friends at school. My grandson didn't have to go back but chose to so he could catch up with his mates.

      Give the pudding a go Kathy, I promise you will get addicted.


  6. Tania, your garden produce always impresses me. Restrictions have eased here but will be tightened up if there is any increase in the number of people being infected with the virus. I hope you find out what is causing your discomfort.

    1. Hi Nanna Chel,

      I am concerned that we will get a second wave of the virus as people will become careless. But we have to try and get our lives back on track somehow and sometime.

      My garden is always looking good and doing well this time of year. Wish it could be these temperatures all year around. Tomorrow I am going to move some plants to catch a bit more of the winter sun.

      Have a great week!

  7. I never cease to be thankful for the gifts from the garden and find them a special blessing after the drought. I would love to travel in the Flinders Ranges again and envy your access to them (and to Innaminka and the Oodnadatta Track) In NSW we are still not allowed to travel regionally, although we have confusing messages about this (I live in the Central West), and closed state borders mean we cannot visit our two youngest grandchildren in Queensland. I love your sharing of daily happenings as they widen my world. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      We did the Oodnadatta Track last year and loved it! We will head into the Flinder's Ranges and explore some more of our own back yard. It really is a beautiful place to visit.

      Thank you for dropping in today,

  8. Hi Tania,

    Absolutely love your post and especially your home-grown veggies! The baby spinach is growing very well. Glad to hear you are taking care and keeping safe during these times. Being able to grow your own produce is a huge plus! I've also been growing some lettuce myself - so yummy.

    Thank you for sharing and take care!

  9. I haven't stopped by in a while and I'm so glad I did. Your blog has so many interesting things going on. I love the food your preparing and have also had some gut issues. Yes it's a process of cutting back on carbs etc or to work out what suits us each individually. I found when I was eating sauerkraut that helped. Other things: your knitting is so pretty. I haven't ever learnt to knit properly. Blessings to you Tania - Linda


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