Sunday, May 3, 2020


Morning sunshine on wind turbines 

Bubbly sourdough.

Fresh from the oven.

And sliced.

Autumn bouquet.

Chocolate cake in the making

Laundry day

Garden pickings ~ tomatoes, capsicum, baby spinach and beans.

Saving seeds. These ones are Queensland blue pumpkin.

Eggs from our girls.

Love toasting my bread this way.

Comfort food.

Nice hot thick pumpkin vegetable soup.

Basil, lemon thyme and oregano inside drying by the fire.

Prep work...

For green tomato pickles.

Low carb chocolate cake for Tania.

Homemade soy yoghurt...

There are new power poles going up out back. They are huge and dwarf the smaller stobie pole and crane.

I made healthy crackers.

I accidentally broke of a piece of the climbing spinach, so I popped into some water and much to my delight this happened. Now I will be able to grow another plant.

I patiently stripped the leaves from the stems of the lemon thyme.

Lovely day at my parents today. Everything is turning green after a rain.

My name is Charlie, and I'm a farm dog.

How did you spend your weekend?



  1. What beautiful pictures. My reaction is I just want to be there and smell everything - bread, jasmine, outdoor laundry, herbs, crackers, post-rain earth and even the smell of a dog as cute a Charlie. Thank you for taking the time to get these and post.
    Growing up we had a large bouganvilla that climbed up on our front porch - I didn't know at the time, being a kid, what a beauty it was and neighbors might have be jealous.
    Two questions - what do you season the pumpkin soup with and what is in the crackers?

    1. Hi Debbie,

      It is lovely to hear from you, and thank you for your nice comment.

      I season the soup with a onion, garlic, a little oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Normally I would roast the vegetables {a mix of what is in my fridge}, but was in a hurry when I made this batch. As for the cracker recipe, I will share that soon. I made most of it up in my head so had better make notes.

      Have a great day,

  2. Hi Tania, Those crackers look delicious. You are such a busy bee! Your farm dog is adorable. I am doing a load of laundry right now. It will dry on the line in the sunshine. I watered the front garden at 6:30 a.m. this morning, and took a bike ride with Lula before any of the neighbors were outside. I wore my cloth mask. I plan to finish the toe of a sock today that I am making for a friend.

    1. A busy weekend for you too Stephenie, sounds like you are having lovely spring weather.

      We are doing quite well here with the virus, we have had twelve days without a positive covid-19 case, so that is extremely good news. We are still practicing social distancing and hand washing. There have only been a couple of cases here where we live, and that was quite a while ago now,so we have stopped wearing the masks for now.


  3. Not as well as yours. I spent too much time at Walmart! ;-)

    1. Oh no Gorges, you should be staying at home! Take care my friend xx

  4. Your crackers look great Tania.

  5. So busy at your place. Putting me to shame.

    1. I find keeping busy, keeps my mind on other things in these scary times.

      Have a lovely week Angela.

  6. Lovely pictures Tania, you have been busy

    1. Thank you. I have never been busier as I am lately since this virus has been threatening. Its a good thing though, keeps my mind on other things, and jobs done!


  7. Do you have your recipe for low carb chocolate cake here on your blog?. Those crackers look great, I have thought of making crackers. Looks like you are keeping busy at home, as am I.

    1. Hi there,

      The low carb chocolate cake recipe is not on the blog yet because this is the first time I have made it. I will share it very soon.

      Have a great week,

  8. It's been a long time since I visited, so good to see you are still hard at it, so nice seeing what you are up to again. Only recently started blogging again, needed something to do during lockdown. Hope you and yours are well x

    1. Hi there Sue,

      So great to hear from you again. We are all well, hope you are the same.

      I will pop over to your blog to see what you have been up to.

      Take care and stay safe,

  9. Hi Tania, wow I love those crackers..recipe please :) ? I was looking at your blog and my hubby was looking over my shoulder, he was looking at your pictures and said, "she's just like you" :) lol. I was also impressed that you made soy yoghurt!!! Last week I was looking at starters online for plant based yoghurt!!! I didn't buy one though. Did you use a starter pack? Lovely stopping by ~ Blessings to you ~ Linda

    1. Hello LInda,

      I think we are a lot alike too. That is what attracted me to your blog :-)

      A recipe is coming for the crackers and I am due to make yoghurt again so will try to remember to take photos for a tutorial. I just use unsweetened soy milk {vitasoy brand} and a starter. When I switched from making my own dairy yoghurt to making plant based I just used the dairy starter that I had in the freezer. I feel that after a little time the dairy would not be in the yoghurt anymore. Maybe if you use one of those Greek natural yoghurt sachets available in the supermarket or if you make your own dairy yoghurt, use 2 tablespoons from that. I heat the milk with starter a little then add to a easiyo yoghurt maker. Once done and cooled I take 2 tablespoons out and put in the freezer to use in the next batch.

      Hope you can understand what I am trying to explain.

      Stay safe and God Bless,

    2. I have also heard about making soy yoghurt with silken tofu. I have not tried that method but must look into it further :-)


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