Friday, March 4, 2022

this and that

Hello again,

I finished this crocheting this hippy blanket to put in my little van. It took me quite a few weeks, but I love it!

Portulaca's putting on a show.

Using up some peaches for a yummy smoothie. 

1 cup of milk
1 date for sweetener
a few strawberries
and a peach

Blend in a nutri-bullet or similar until date is blitzed. Devour and enjoy.

I am observing this area and thinking about putting framework up to grow grapevines over for shade during summer to keep the house cooler. It is an odd angle.

Loving my clean windows. It is a big job, but I have started. The little squares are so time consuming and it is so dirty and dusty in our area that they wont stay clean for long. And I have eleven of these to clean.

I made some more peach jam. It is very popular with family, friends and neighbours.

Lots of fruit stored in the freezers to use over Winter. I put empty milk cartons filled with rain water for making ice blocks.

Yummy bean chilli cooking away slowly, I serve this with brown or black rice.

Saving more seeds, these ones are capsicum.

I trimmed the oregano and thyme and placed them in the dryer outside.


First time for sweet potato flowers. I have not seen these before and there looks to be more forming on the vines.

I am going to let this sweet potato wander where ever it wants to. 

Basil popped up in the red soil after rain.

I cant believe the amount of flowers on the garlic chives.

Capsicums are slow this year.

More tiny tomatoes.

The patch is still a bit messy but I am not getting a lot of time to spend out there at the moment.

Todays pickings.

The grapevines are spreading everywhere. Sadly I lost the grapes this year to downy mildew.

This little shrub was given to me a while ago by a friend passing through. It is growing very well Joolz. The kangaroos have had a nibble here and there though.

Just another sunset. They are extra pretty this time of year.

For you Jane, there is water in the salt lake behind us. 

There is a lot happening all around us at the moment in this crazy world we live in.

Take care everyone. 




  1. Cleaning windows is a hard job. I now only do it twice a year
    Like you we have lots of dust coming off paddocks, I use truck wash spray it on use a broom to scrub and then rinse with the hose
    Much easier than spraying and rubbing the old fashioned way
    And truck wash doesn’t leqve streaks
    The blanket looks amazing

    1. Oooh thank you Angela. I am going to try your method, anything to make life easier xxx

  2. Your hippy blanket looks great I can imagine how long it took. Your herb drying rack looks amazing. What a week it's been with this rain bomb and flooding and I've woken up to Shane Warne passing away. I'm not into cricket but at 52 so young and his 3 kids have lost their Dad, so sad. Hope next week is better.

    1. Oh yes I woke up to the news of Shane W passing away too. I couldn't believe it! We are going to have to be strong in this new world we live in. 2022 was forecast to be a rough ride and it is proving to be right.

      Hope you didn't get too much damage from the rain. We haven't had any lately.


  3. Thanks for including the salt lake. I was wondering if it had water in it still. The hippy blanket for the van is just gorgeous. You are going to have so much fun camping and having that blanket to make you smile. You and Sally need to get together and have van holiday.
    Bluey and I have had a week in a self contained unit in Caloundra. It has been the most wonderful stay and a holiday type we have never had. We have only camped or caravanned for a holiday in the past. Bluey is recovering well from surgery. We head home Monday and will be having a few rest stops on the way.
    I have a feeling I will find that I missed getting the cherry guava picked by the time we get home. I had plans of making guava paste, a tropical version of quince paste. I might just have to put that idea on hold till next years fruit comes round. My son is supposed to be keeping the garden going. If life got too busy for him then I will just have to see what I can save and get the autumn garden started.
    Our son and family are off to an Outback town on a 6 month contract. This will give them the financial start they need to get a decent house deposit ready. At this stage they are looking at coming back to HB but who knows what will happen in the next 6 months.
    I am looing forward to the brekkie smoothies once we get home again. Your peach smoothie looked delicious. Have a lovely weekend in your beautiful home.

    1. Hi Jane,

      Sally and I have talked about meeting up somewhere. I am a little tied down here at the moment with baby sitting duties as my daughter has returned to work. But the cooler weather is coming and that is when I will travel. I am following along with Sally's adventures.

      I hope your garden and the guava are okay when you get home. This is why I don't go to far when it is hot because I have no one to water everything. In Winter I don't need to worry about it so much.

      So glad Bluey is doing better, he will be looking forward to returning home too. I see you already have a project for him to do haha! {solar dryer}. I also showed Phil. I reckon there will be a lot of those made after watching Gardening Australia last night.

      Sounds like many changes for you in the next 6 months, and happy you enjoyed your little holiday.


      ps. The lake was pink the other day, I took photos for the next post :)

  4. Your photos are wonderful Tania .. & especially those sunsets. I love your drying rack .. that would be just ideal for me! I have been cleaning windows too. I have 4 sets of double French doors in my house so lots of small squares to clean too. Like you - I love seeing them all clean & shiny but it doesn't last for long. Enjoy your weekend Tania xx

    1. Thank you Julie.

      I had a lovely weekend. It is nice cool weather here at the moment, and I am enjoying it after a bout of hot weather recently.

      I haven't gotten back to finishing my windows yet. Hopefully I get some done tomorrow.


  5. Hi Tania, So much life is your garden. I am amazed at all that you grow. What a fabulous peace blanket. So much personality! I hope I get a nice harvest of rhubarb like yours this year.

  6. Forehead smacking* What a great idea to use the milk aseptic containers for water/ice! I regret all I threw away. I've been filling the harder plastic OJ bottles for pantry water storage. Not long term but for several months. We had our well motor go out last month and while it was only 24 hours w/out water, it was eye-opening. We do have single bottles on hand but not much for washing.
    Thanks for the tip.

  7. Hello Kay.

    Those containers stack better than bottles too. I fill them with rain water, so if ever needed to, I can drink the water. Sorry to hear about your well motor.

    Have a great week,

  8. Hi Tania, just popping by to see what your up to :) Your peach Jam looks delicious !! Our peach tree is too big, wasn't pruned properly when young and the birds get the few peaches it produces..sigh, but the apricots did alright - always a silver lining. Your garden still looks abundant. Mine is an overgrown end of season mess and needs sorting, all good fun !..Blessings to you ~ Linda x

    1. Hello Linda, so nice to hear from you.

      Our peaches this year were gathered from the roadside off one tree. It was absolutely loaded with fruit. We stopped by a number of times to collect the fruit.

      I love seeing what you are achieving over in NZ on instagram. You have come so far, since I first discovered you. Well done to you!

      Lots of love,
      Tania xx

  9. When my mom washed windows, she first started with what she called a "mud rag." She had a bucket with soapy water and a cloth and just washed the windows first, and then she used some window cleaner on the second go round. I can just see her doing it. Bless her. She died in 1984.

    1. Thank you for the window cleaning hint.

      I do rinse the dirt off with a hose before I start, makes for a lot less mess!


  10. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing. I find them inspirational.
    Donna Donnasbackyardfarm

  11. Lovely post, Tania. I love your rug. Nice to see your garden producing so well.
    I’m also glad to see the shrub is growing and flowering. :)
    Always good to see what’s happening in your part of outback Oz!

    Cheers - Joolz

    1. Thank you Joolz, it is so lovely to hear from you xxx

  12. Fab blanket, very colourful and wow all that peach jam, very nice. We have a peach tree here in S.Wales but not enough to make jam. Love reading your blog and about your garden.

    1. Thank you and welcome to my world Christine. Its lovely to have you visit xx

  13. I've said it before .... please write a book on desert food growing. Seriously!

    1. Hello there Phil. Haha I am still learning this trade. Maybe one day a book when I have mastered the garden in this desert :)

  14. Dear Tania, sorry for bringing this up. I am just wondering if you are aware that the symbol on the blanket is a broken cross. It is basically anti Christian. Sorry again, did not want to upset you. Best wishes, Cristina

    1. Thank you for letting me know Cristina, I had no idea at all.

  15. That was a brilliant crochet project. A lot of effort. So bright and colourful too! I don't know the full story behind the peace symbol, but it was designed by an artist, based on flag semiphores. Or communicating with flag positions, by human hand. The positions chosen for the insignia, are for the letters "N" and "D". Meant to represent, Nuclear Disarmament. That's just what I've heard. There may be other stories about it, that relates to anonymous' comment.

    Your garden looks amazing too. Sorry, I didn't get to respond to your comment on my blog - I had you on my mind though. It was nice of you to pop in. Cheers.

    1. Hi Chris, thank you for your explanation re the peace sign. I made the blanket because I loved the look of it and enjoy peace in my life. No worries at all about not answering my comment on your blog, it is nice to hear from you again. I hope you are doing okay.



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