Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas in Australia

A couple of Aussie Christmas songs for your enjoyment

I am happy to report that after a very hot day yesterday, it is raining today, so the garden will get some relief from the heat.

Enjoy your Sunday,



  1. The aussie Christmas songs are great fun aren't they:0)

  2. I bet you don't play the song, "White Christmas" very often :) Glad you got some rain.

  3. Great songs. My youngest has been practicing the first one at school.
    Glad to hear you are getting some rain and cooler temps. It looked promising for us yesterday for rain, but it passed over. Maybe next time!

  4. Gee, Six white Boomers takes me back a long time. I remember watching my sister in a school Christmas concert when I was about 4 years old (circa 1968/69)! She was dressed like a white kanga too!

    Good to hear your getting a bit of relief from the hot weather. I am meant to plant out some herb planters for my sisters for Christmas and just can't be bothered because of the heat! Slack me!

    Cheers - Joolz

  5. I love the Aussie Christmas songs. Have you heard the ones Lee Kernaghan sings? I love them too! We have had so much rain here it is starting to flood AGAIN..Gladly send some more your way.

  6. Six White Boomers is currently being sung with gusto from my eldest! (learnt for a pre-school concert as well.)

  7. I love six white boomers. I cannot remember having so much rain at this time of the year. Absolutely pouring down again today. Love your blog♥ I am trying to work my way from the start:) It may take some time though. Gee and I thought it was hot here at times but we get off very lightly compared to where you live. Although we get the humidity:( Linda xx


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