Monday, December 6, 2010

Prayers please

I know,
I am probably worrying unnecessarily,
but I am a Mother and this is the hardest job there is.

I am home,
not sleeping,
it is getting late,
while our son is in hospital for the night.

He had a nasty fall today,
He was knocked unconscious and convulsed.
Luckily he had his friends with him and they called an ambulance.

He will be under observation tonight at the hospital with 1/2 hourly obs.
Has had a CT scan and that looks clear which is good news.
Has two nasty googs (lumps) on his head.

At this stage he seems to be okay,
but that doesn't stop me worrying my heart out.

This is some pics I took of him playing soccer yesterday afternoon,

For those that do,
please say a prayer for our boy.

God willing he recovers well with no side effects from the head injury.

Thank you all,



  1. There is always hope in Jesus Christ, praying for your son and for you.

  2. Oh, Tania, How awful! And yes, Boys! They always find some way to do it, don't they. Our prayers -- you've got 'em.

  3. I know how you feel. Ours boys, one in particular, were always getting broken something when they were that age. Once I apoligized to a doctor about my worrying and he made this comment. "I wouldn't expect anything else. Your the mother." Glad he's ok. Will keep him in my prayers today.

  4. Tania..Im praying he makes a full and speedy recovery xo
    I hope is home again today..and yes worrying is a big part of the job :0)
    Thank goodness he has great friends,and they rang the ambulance.A huge "Well Done" to them !

  5. Ohhh Tania, don't children scare ya half to death sometimes! (((HUGS)) I'm sure he'll be just fine.

  6. I have sent my prayer, my wish of hope and love out into the universe. I have sent my spirit across the miles to touch your house. He will be fine and I suspect you will be more worse for wear today. There is no use telling you not to worry...what else can you do when your child sends your heart into your mouth!

  7. Praying for your boy, and for you too as you wait.

  8. Thinking of you all. Hope today is a better day :-) xo

  9. Sending special thoughts and prayers. Hope it's good news all round and that your son will soon be back home with you♥ Linda xx

  10. Most definately you need to be surrounded by prayer.
    I do hope he is okay How terribly scary! I know that horrible feelingof a Kid in Hospital and there's nothing like it.
    Peace to you.

  11. So sorry to hear this, I hope things are looking better today. Keep us posted of his progress. Thinking of you,


  12. Your Son will be ok but yes us Mothers seem to worry all the time
    :0). He is in good hands.

  13. Some of the very hardest times are when ouor chyildren are sick, my thoughts are with you

  14. I hope and pray your young man is feeling better today and that you can rest easy.

  15. I don't pray but my thoughts are with you and your beautiful boy. xxxooo

  16. Oh Tania, what a scary thing to have happen! Of course I'll pray. Praying right now........

  17. I'm non religious but wish your family the very best.

    My eyes welled up with tears because being a mum is the hardest but most rewarding job I've ever had and I feel your worry.

    From one mum to another, lots of hugs and good thoughts.

  18. Boys !
    The first time the paramedics visited us they warned me, it wouldn't be the last time - its just boys !
    Just the same, it can't really prepare you.
    Glad that everything has gone well, and that everyone is home safe and sound. The things parents must face.
    P.S. all the christmas bling is awesome - the stacked library book tree is a real winner !

  19. I'm glad he is feeling better Tania. So healthy one minute and sick the next. I have been thinking about that since I was unable to walk a week or so ago, one minute I was fine and not the next.


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