Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We have our boy home with us and he is sleeping at the moment.
He didn't get too much sleep last night as you could imagine.
His scans were all clear, but he is suffering a headache.
The doctors have said that he may experience them for a while.
We have to watch him for the next two days, in case of delayed complications.
No sport or activity for at least two weeks.
He is going to go stir crazy.
His memory has returned apart from the actual incident, he still can't quite remember what he was doing. From what I can gather he was resting on his scooter and sitting on a ledge, when a heavy shower of rain hit. His friends say he slipped and fell while trying to get out the rain. It may become clearer what happened over the next few days.

Many, many thanks to you all for your prayers and best wishes, I truly believe that they have helped.

Hopefully I can rest easier tonight.

Now on to the original post I was going to do yesterday.
Some of the locals from our town put on a Christmas display in the local church.

I went down on Sunday to take some photos to share.

There are lots of photos,
and this isn't all of the displays just some of the best ones I picked!

The local Library made this tree from CD's and Books

Egg cartons...
who would have thought...
Emu egg
With Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus inside.
Some of the trees and displays.
a close up...
different sizes and styles...

Six White Boomers...
another tree and Father Christmas...

Doing the splits...
more trees...

Happy Santa...
This beautiful white tree was decorated by my Mother-in-law...
She does a great job
Maybe she could come and help me with mine.
She must be horrified when she sees my poor excuse for a tree lol!
Lots of Angels...
and nativity scenes,
this is knitted.
I really want to knit this set.
At the front of the church...
Baby Jesus....
An interesting star made with Quandong seeds
and some of those cute reindeer's that were featured on Better Homes and Gardens Show.
Weather report for here: Very strong north winds right now, storms happening all around the state of South Australia, 37C (98.6F) and very humid, (who needs to live in Queensland?), the ABC radio is sending out severe weather warnings every five minutes, there is no rain here yet but hopefully we get some. Plenty of rain due over the next few days for South Australia, and making its way East.

Sadly this is not what our farmers wanted, they are trying to get their record breaking crops off and into the silos, many crops are due to be ruined. Bad enough that there has been plagues of locusts and mice already this year, with locusts threatening to destroy crops as well.
Farming is such a gamble.



  1. Good News about your son-Thank God
    Qld temps have been good this week with not a day over 25C but some places around my area are flooding, so if it's rain you want I'll gladly pass some on. Once again Tania I'm so glad to here your sons o.k

  2. Great to hear your boy is home ! I dont imagine you will sleep any better tonight though Tania,you will be up every hour checking on him Im sure :0)
    The Tree display is wonderful,I think I like the book and cd tree the best :0)

  3. Oh I missed this news! Keep a close eye on him and sending much love!

  4. Glad to hear your son is ok and now home with you, what a terrible scare.

    Love your photos of the christmas trees,Santa doing the splits gave me a laugh. Hopefully sunday I can start putting up my decorations.

    Take care

  5. What a relief about your son. Sounds, though, that prayer is still needed for the crop and rain situation there.

    Lovely Christmas display. Very clever CD tree!

  6. I hope the next few weeks pass without any further complications for your son, Im sure with rest he will be fine......
    Hot and soggy down here in Adelaide...blah...
    AND,your'e a winner...
    I drew your name for one of my food covers...so thanks for entering,
    Let me know your address and I can post it off to you soon...x

  7. Have only just read what happened. Glad to hear your son is home, hope everything is ok and no complications to follow. Well done to his friends for ringing the ambulance. It sure is the toughest job in the world being a mum, but also the most rewarding. BOYS! Mine scares the life out of me at times, no fear. Loved the Christmas trees.

  8. So good to hear! Glad your Son is home with you.

    Yes the farmers can't win,Poor things are now dealing with rotting crops and spitting fruit...Ahhhhhh.....Mother nature!

  9. Great news about your son. I just read your post from yesterday - was pleased to see a good update!

  10. So glad your boy is home and doing much better and I hope he makes a full, speedy recovery. Tie him down if you have to, lol!

    Our Business Community does a similar Christmas Tree display and I entered one year. Well, that was embarrassing!

    Yes, I don't know what to think about this weather. I keep saying, if I wanted to live in Cairns where it's warm and muggy, I would... but I don't!

    We are getting only a sprinkling compared to the east coast but it is heaps more than we are used to. We had 9.5 mls overnight and it poured again just before and there's another 8 mls in the gauge now! It is cooler today so that's a bonus.

    Cheers - Joolz

  11. Glad to hear your son is ok now! Hope the headaches clear up quickly too.

    The Christmas trees are lovely, I like the book and cd one too.

    Kylie :-)

  12. Hi Tania

    I found a link for the knitted nativity scene that is an Australian one


    or there is this UK pattern which is justlovely.


    Looks awfully fiddly to me - Lol!

    Cheers - Joolz

  13. Thank you Joolz, will go check them out.

  14. What a lovely lot of Christmas decorations.

    Sorry to hear about your son, I do hope all remains well with his injuries and suffers no further ill effects. I will keep him in my prayers. And thank you for your kind words for my Toby, it's just a waiting game now for further information.


  15. Hi Tania,
    I hope your son is feeling much better today and will continue to improve. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I know all the teachers have been trained in the correct use of the epi-pen, but as i have had a couple of them say to me; it is one thing to be trained to use it, but it is entirely another thing to have to actually use it. "What if i do it wrong?" Worse still was "What if you sue me for using it" I think it is a very sad world we live in now. What has the world come to, when a teacher would not want to use an epi-pen in an emergency on a child who will die without that epi-pen, because they are afraid of being sued. Thank you thank you for listening, i have vented and all is good! I am just so thankful that my daughter is so happy go lucky and takes everything in her stride.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your son. I'm so glad he is home and on the mend. I love all the trees-I wish we did something like that around here. I'm off to read more of your blog--I love it. Take care.

  17. Glad to hear he's doing better, my son Michael being the bulldog of a rugby player he is took a huge knock to his head in a tackle, knowcked himself out and spoke gibberish for about an hour after(no change there then! :D ) Joe took him to the emergency clinic where they called and ambulance which took him to the hospital, when I got there he was still very confused. I went with him to xray and waited outside, one radiologist came out and said you better come in now as he'd thrown up everywhere, lovely! Just badly concussed and no rugby for him for 3 weeks either. He doesn't really play now, he's 18 now and has discovered beer! And there was me thinking he may have had some sense knocked into him!! :D
    Trees look fab. And as for the weather, man you don't need the rain just now, but we do!! :(

  18. Great news to hear your son is back home:) Hopefully his headaches will soon clear. Wow what a lovely Christmas display♥ Hope the farmers get a well deserved break, it's a very hard and tough life xxxxx

  19. I read your update first adn then marvelled at the tree photo's.

    I can understand why you were worried and thank God all is well.

  20. Glad to hear that he is on the mend. There is nothing like a Mummy cuddle to help improve things.


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