Friday, October 14, 2011

On my mind - A winner

I have been entering in a few giveaways lately, and was successful in winning these lovely Christmas fabric pieces from Robyn @ Stitchin' time.

Thank you Robyn, they are just lovely. I am thinking of making a table runner with the fabric just in time for Christmas...

I am also a winner on another matter. My visit to the Breast Clinic yesterday has proved to be a happy one, having been cleared from having any signs of breast cancer. Today I feel so relieved and have promised myself to keep eating healthy and exercising. Now that my shoulder is improving I am able to resume my exercise regime...

It's a happy day for me :)

Hope your day is a happy one too!


  1. Oh Tania that is fantastic news on the Breast Clinic results!!! I bet you and Hubby are so relieved.

  2. Glad you had good news from the clinic and the shoulder is on the mend.

  3. Tania I am so pleased for you after going through Chemo and Ray treatment Bobs sister is over the whole thing,now 2 years of hormone therapy but she is bright and positive,i am just so happy that someone else we know has a good result..well done on a 2 win blog.xx

  4. Oh Yay! Tania I've been waiting for that news. I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief with you!

  5. FAB news Tania! Yes, you are indeed a winner! And the fabric looks great too :))
    Greenie x

  6. ahh Tania that is wonderful news...what a relief for you all.
    The fabric looks lovely and I look forward to seeing your table runner.
    Here's a another local pic you might enjoy

    Have a great weekend
    Love from Sue

  7. Wonderful wonderful news!


    Love Leanne

  8. How lucky are you winning the lovely fabric, and so glad the results are good too.

  9. Tania, I am so glad you had a good result - I missed your post about finding the lump. Jeepers, what a scary time you must have had. So glad it's all okay!


  10. Congrats on all the Healthy News. Thats wonderful!

  11. That's great news, Tania. Fantastic that you are proactive with your health, too. Best of luck with your fitness programme!

  12. How wonderful Tania!! I'm so relieved for you. Have been away so only just catching up on your news. It's a worrying thing waiting for results and examinations. But so glad all is well and your shoulder has healed too!


  13. That's wonderful news Tania! :) Take care, Ruth

  14. that is indeed great news Tania,

    Gill in Canada

  15. fabulous news Tania. What a wonderful result for you. xxx

  16. What good news. Your attitude is very convicting. My daily habits could use a little improving!

    Blessings, Debbie

  17. so happy to hear your news Tania.

  18. Wonderful news Tania, I can absolutely imagine how happy you are........

    That feeling where you are almost walking on air, the pleased for you.

    Congrats on your little win, always nice to find a parcel in the mail.

    Definitely a happy day here too.

    Claire :]

  19. Great news Tania, what a weight off your shoulders. Im so happy for you.


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.