Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our First Day Out

One week old today,
and we are out exploring our world...


  1. Awwww they are so cute, please keep us updated as they grow :-)

  2. Make sure Henny Penny and the Chicken Lickens don't get taken by Foxy Loxy!


    (they're very cute)

  3. Your babies are so cute. My latest bunch of chicks are half grown. They are bantams,so they are still kinda small. We love to watch them roam the property, but the chicken hawk picked one up right before our eyes yesterday,but thank goodness, it must have been a bit bigger than he could carry, and he dropped it. It ran safely,back to his mother.We'll not turn them out any more.

  4. They are so cute. I can't wait until we are finally ready to take the plunge and have our own baby chickens. First we need to get a rooster, a handsome one.

  5. very cute, we have not had much success with hatching

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos, Tania. They are so adorable, and the Mother Hen looks so sweet and protective.

  7. They grow real fast don't they? They look so well cared for. 3 of mine have decided to go broody on me - are they trying to tell me something?

  8. New chicks are so much fun to watch,i love the way the hen teaches them to peck for food, have you named them yet? Your gardens looking good and the garlic transplated ok? my snow peas didn't do to good and now im wondering if it was the onions planted beside them.


Your comments really make my day. Thank you for taking the time and for being so kind.