Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On my Ukulele, I keep strumming daily...

Hubby surprised me with this gift yesterday...

I had been talking about wanting to learn to play one of these...

So now is my chance :)

Maybe I will end up playing like this

Sara Watkins...Different Drum

Gosh I wish I could sing!

or this
James Hill...

Do you play the ukulele or another musical instrument? 
I love to hear...

Have a great day!



  1. Hi! My daughter has a ukelele! She loves it. She taught herself how to play. It sounds so sweet! love,andrea

  2. How fantastic! I love the ukelele, I've been hoping at least one of my boys might take it up, it's one of my favourite's at their school concert! Good for you!

  3. What an awesome gift!! I hope you learn to play. Hubby and I bought ourselves guitars a couple of years ago, he got an electric and I got an acoustic,,,,,sadly they still sit gathering dust waiting for us to make our musical debut day!!!

  4. Ooooh, what fun! The internet is a great source for teaching yourself...especially youtube. Enjoy!

  5. Good luck. My son is a musician. Completely self taught. Not a single lesson, ever! He plays many instruments. And he is moving away from us this weekend, to pursue his dream of music. 1,500 miles away. I am sick!!
    Good luck with your new instrument!!!
    : ) Kris

  6. Oh you have found my secret ambition, to be in a ukelele band . I look at those little ukeleles and the instruction books and I think, 'I wonder if it is hard?'
    we have a pianola which everyone can play, I also play the piano accordion, piano and guitar ( all badly but I can do it and it gives me pleasure).
    So go for it with your new pressie and I have to say , what a gorgeous husband going out and getting you such a spectacular gift...definitely a sensitive new age man!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hey Tania, you are going to have soooo much fun with this gift.

    I bought a uke about 5 years ago and it was alot of fun, not that I was very good at it, hehe....Unfortunately, I was dealing with RSI at the time and that put an end to my playing for quite some time.
    I haven't picked it up for a while, I have rekindled my love of piano playing....

    Claire :}

  8. Did you know there is a Ukelele club in town? I guess you could go and join them.

    Play no musical instruments and cannot sing at all but Steve has great voice and plays guitar and piano.

  9. Have fun - what a great gift!
    No musos here, tho DH has always wanted to learn saxophone. cheers Wendy

  10. My hubby plays the guitar and I love it when he plays and sings - I could listen all night. I on the other hand have no musical ability at all..... those were great video clips thanks for sharing


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